west timothy

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since May 16, 2005
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Recent posts by west timothy

hai friends,

How do I upload a file to the database using Servlet/Jsp.
we are working on the JobPortal Project.we need to accept Resumes from the
users and upload it to the DataBase(MySql).
plz suggest me some workaround for my problem,
if possible plz provide me with some code snippets.
with regards ,
19 years ago

I have a java mailing program that uses SMTP protocol to send mails. The program successful sends mails to my local mail server. I tried out sending mails to my yahoo account by changing the host name to Yahoo. But my program is throwing timed out exception. Could anyone of you suggest me any workaround to fix this problem?


Below is the code snippet that I am using:
//sample code

String host="";//smtp server ip
String to="[email protected]"
String from="[email protected]";
String subject="updated";
String msgt="ldkisdgv";
Properties props=System.getProperties();
Session mailSession=Session.getDefaultInstance(props,null);
Message msg=new MimeMessage(mailSession);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
InternetAddress[] address={new InternetAddress(to) };
msg.setSentDate(new java.util.Date());
when i changed hostName to
String hostName="mail.yahoo.com";//http server
String to="[email protected]"
String from="[email protected]";

iam not getting output.will this change be sufficient or not
19 years ago

I am able to send mails using smtp protocol but in my java program i have to use http protocol.Please tell me if there is any way to send mails using http protocol

19 years ago
Hi all,

i have already posted my topic in the following mannner:

we have been assigned a project on designing a Job Portal(which is very much similar to Monster.com)
Could u please provide some links to some predefined templates that would guide us in choosing a proper Technology.

For the above topic i got the following replies from JAVARANCH

1.To use JSF.

But, we are not that aware of JSF because we are novice programmers and this is our first project.

we planned to implement using
1.JSP ,SERVLETS and JAVA BEANS with MySql as database
2. How about using STRUTS?.

Please suggest some workaround as early as possible to start our project.

with regards,
19 years ago
Hi all,

we have been assigned a project on designing a Job Portal(which is very much similar to Monster.com)
Could u please provide some links to some predefined templates that would guide us in choosing a proper Technology?

with regards
19 years ago
hai everybody,

we are using TOMCAT(4.1.27).It is throwing 500 Internal Server Error when i am trying to render a large report(128 cloumns*7,200 rows).Please suggest any work around to fix the problem.

with regards,
19 years ago