Suman Sharma

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since May 16, 2005
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Recent posts by Suman Sharma

Can we create a window with menues such as File, view, Edit (like we see in MS Word) using Servlets? If so, how do we do that. If not, how can we accomplish that. Could anyone please tell me.

Thank you very much for your kind response. I will try to follow the steps suggested in your post. If I have questions, I will let you know.
Thanks again.
Hi Rashi,
I have been trying to create my own java mock questions for some time in PowerPoint. I am glad that I saw your post today and came to know about the ETS and Inquisition tools. Could you please tell me the whole process step by step to go into this business and how you are going to get license and market it.
Thanks a lot.
I think the line should be:
One way to do this is to have four radio buttons with the same name for different kinds of reports, and one submit button.
When one of the radio buttons will be selected on a form, that value will be sent to a servlet whose path should be specified in the action attribute of the form.
In the servlet the value can be retrieved using the request.getParameter(name of the radio button)method.
It is working fine. Thanks so much for your help.
16 years ago
I changed the name authorbean to authorbean2. I was using the same variable name twice that I used at some other place in this page. So c:set is working fine now.
But it is now completely ignoring the line <c:if test = "${chosen2 == $authorname2}" >
It is supposed to populate the second box with the names of books written by a particular author that is selected in the first box. But the second box is showing all the books regardless of which author name is selected in the first box. It looks like something is wrong in c:if line. Can you please help me?
16 years ago
In the following code, <c:out value = "${authorname2}" /> line is not printing the value of authorname2. I want to check if authorname2 has a value or not. I tried alert("authorname2 is: " + authorname2); also. It didnot work. I am not sure if c:set is assigning the value correctly or no. If not, how it can be fixed. Can anyone please help me?
Thank you.

16 years ago
Thank you very much Steve for your help. You explained it so clearly.
16 years ago
Hi, I am trying to convert code from scripting to jstl. scripting code is running fine. But when I convert it to jstl, it gives the following ELException:
Unable to find a value for "set" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."

The authorbookslist contains a map. I am retrieving the map from it and creating a set object of map and iterating through it to access keys and values. Could you please tell me where I am doing wrong.

16 years ago
It is working now.
Thank you.
16 years ago
I am getting following exception when I run tomcat server. It started happening when I installed Oracle SQL Developer. Could you please let me know how to change port number for Tomcat server. I want to run jsp using Tomcat server.

EXception on starting Tomcat server:
LifecycleException: service.getName(): "Catalina"; Protocol handler start failed: Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8080
16 years ago
I found the answer. Thank you all of you for your help.

Thank you.
16 years ago
I don't know what re-factoring means. I am trying to print out properties of each java bean objects that are stored in a vector. It is not able to iterate over items in the for loop. I have gone through books. I can't find the solution. Can you please give me some hint that would help me solve this code. Thank you.

16 years ago

I used following code. The java bean is in the warr package and the vector containg beans is in the session scope. It can't iterate in the for each loop. Can anyone help me with this problem.

javax.servlet.ServletException: Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <forEach>

Thank you.
16 years ago