Sergei Voropay

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I recently graduated with Bachelors Degree in MIS and have 3+ years of solid experience in IT being a web developer. I've been developing with Java servlets and JSP for almost 2 years and have about a year of exposure to EJB development. To prove that I have a sufficient body of knowledge to serve as a Java Developer I have accumulated the following nationally recognized certifications:
- Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Platform Part I
- Sun Certified Solaris 7 System Administrator
- Sun Certified Solaris 8 System Administrator
- Brainbench Certified Java 1.2 Programmer
- Brainbench Certified Java-EJB Programmer
- Brainbench Certified BEA WebLogic 5.1 Developer (Master)
- Brainbench Certified XML Developer
- Brainbench Certified XSL Developer
- Brainbench Certified ColdFusion 4.5 Programmer
- Brainbench Certified Unix System Administrator
- Brainbench Certified Linux System Administrator
- Brainbench Certified Linux RedHat System Administrator
- Brainbench RDBMS concepts Certification
I'm currently residing in Anchorage, AK. Willing to relocate.
If you have further questions, please drop me note at [email protected].
23 years ago
The event handling model for JInternalFrame follows the same patters as JFrame. Just replace the Window part in the method and class names with InternalFrame. For instance windowClosing(WindowEvent e) becomes internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) and so on...
23 years ago
Can anybody suggest a good source of information (tutorials, code samples, books, etc.) on Java Reflection API?
23 years ago
I've been using Orion for about a year now for a number of different projects. I would say it is the most reasonable application server in terms of use, price, and performance. It can give a good run for the money even to WebLogic worshipped among J2EE developers. All I can say is that it is an excellent choice for an application server. No wonder Oracle chose it as a J2EE container for Oracle9iAS.
My philosophy is to avoid morons at the workplace like a plague at all cost -- just leave the company, they don't deserve to have you. Who knows, next day they might ask you to wipe the floor and clean ash trays... ;-)
Best regards
I'm a little bit unclear with the deliverables for the Part II of Enterprise Java Architect certification, since it is not clearly stated on the SunEd site. Do the deliverables for the Part II consist of just a set of UML diagram describing a proposed system or a complete working solution in Java with UML documentation is required?
Thank you.
You feedback is greatly appreciated.
Here is an exerpt from an article on IBM developerWorks site at talking about the future of JDOM as a standard extention to java:
The official 1.0 release of JDOM may coincide with its continuing evolution in the Java Community Process. Submitted as JSR-102, JDOM has been approved for eventual inclusion in the core Java platform, with this comment from Sun: "JDOM does appear to be significantly easier to use than the earlier APIs, so we believe it will be a useful addition to the platform." According to the JSR, a 1.0 release might see JDOM's packaging change from "org.jdom" to "javax.xml.tree". While the future certainly looks positive, developers may eventually have to retrofit their code to work with the new version.
Using JNI is only good for calling processes on the same machine. If you need to communicate to processes written in different languages (C/C++/Cobol/etc.) from Java programs and vice versa in distributed fashion, you should be using CORBA or possibly XML-RPC or even SOAP. So far, CORBA is probably the most robust approach to deal with this problem.
23 years ago
Sorry Madhav, I probably wasn't clear enough when posting my question. What I was getting at is that you can use both SAX/DOM and JDOM to create XML-aware objects (objects that know how to obtain their state from XML sources and present themselves in XML format). JDOM provides much more Java programmer-friendly approach to dealing with document trees as compared with SAX/DOM, so I was wondering what is the magnitude of performance penalty for using JDOM to obtain the object state from XML sources compared to using SAX for the purpose.
There is a direct relationship between SAX and JDOM because because in the majority of cases you will use SAXBuilder to build a JDOM document. So it is not like comparing apples and oranges...
I recently started using JDOM for my XML projects. Compared to parsing and building a document tree with SAX or DOM, JDOM is a blessing in the skies for a Java programmer considering the ease of use. Is there a significant trade-off in performance? Does anyone have any benchmarks comparing SAX and JDOM?
Hello Srivatsan,
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to completely discredit Bea WebLogic, it clearly has some technical edge over Orion being a little more mature, but it comes at a price or I should say at a significant price which may be prohibitive for anyone starting with the technology. If I had infinitely deep pockets, I would surely stick with WebLogic for both development and deployment (actually I'm not sure about development), but paying almost $2K per developer seat and almost $20K per server processor deployment license is not really what I have in mind. And I'm not talking about clustering and support because if you through in those in the mix, you can easily come up with sub-mil figures per year. Orion favorably compares to this being absolutely free for both development and non-commercial deployment and just $1500 for server license per node for commercial deployment regardless of the number of processors. Throwing additional node in the Orion cluster costs the same $1500, which is dirt-cheap in J2EE arena. If you're closely watching J2EE application server market, there is a trend toward so-called "commodization" of application servers - application server market is getting more and more competitive with wider acceptance driving down the prices. And it looks like the commodity application servers like Orion, In-Q-My (subsidiary of SAP), Unify e-Wave, and jBoss are going to eat away a significan market share from big guys. Orion is just getting ahead of the curve. Sorry guys, but dinosours always loose in the end, and the lean and mean always win...
Feature-wise, Orion is not far behind WebLogic and should be considered a serious contender especially due to its blazing performance. Orion shines in terms of performance due to its tightly integrated design and according to benchmarks performed by Orion developers and Oracle (and my own experience with Orion on lower-end hardware), Orion app. server beats the sh*t out of the competition in the J2EE arena.
I would recommend Orion Application Server from Ironflare (, which is absolutely free for development and non-commercial deployment. I came through this decisionmaking process myself before I settled with Orion. The majority of "true" enterprise application servers (WebLogic, WebSphere, ATG Dinamo) are exorbitantly expensive and give little in return being sometimes terribly convoluted, which is explaned by the way they evolved from non-java TCMs. Orion is taking a clean sheet approach being written entirely in Java and providing the best performance in J2EE arena. You probably won't find any easier deployment and configuration among other application servers considering the fact that Orion can be installed, configured and fully deployed in about 2 minutes. The configuration of the entire server is controlled by just a few xml files, so if you're ok using an editor, configuring it will be breeze. Orion supports hot and auto deployment, which really speeds up the development process as compared to other app. servers. Among other thing it supports stubless deployment, which is also a big help if you're developing application clients. As far as following the latest api releases Orion is also in the lead already providing previews of Servlet 2.3 API and EJB 2.0 API.
Not so long ago Oracle licenced Orion Application Server 1.5.2 and included it in its Oracle9iAS product as an official J2EE container. I guess this fact should also validate Orion as a serious player in J2EE field.
Is it possible to set an image as a background for JPanel. If possible, how?
23 years ago
Instead of writing all the code to deal with multipart form data you probably better off using prebuilt components available from different vendors. Some application servers supply their own classes/components designed specifically for that purpose (i.e. Orion supplies FilePostParser and PostFileInputStream to work with multipart data). You could also use either classes available from o'reilly or a tag-lib from (jspSmartUpload).