thomas jacob

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Recent posts by thomas jacob

I also got my EJB 6 results status changed in prometric site to Passed. However, it's more than a week I haven't received the exam results yet. There is no way of corresponding with Oracle regarding this. Anyways atleast they changed the status after long time.

With the Web Services 6 test, the result declaration has been postponed again. Did anyone receive any updates for that test.

Hi All,
I want to use java regex for pattern matching current system date time. Basically I have a real time application and want to pick files that match the current date time stamp. Please suggest


14 years ago
I get confused when the terms 'Service Interface' and 'Service Endpoint Interface' used in Web services JSR documents. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between the two

14 years ago
I am trying to implement a simple JSF -eJB project in vain.

I have a Session EJB which exposes a local interface method public List<TableBean> getTables(). I am calling the Session EJB in the JSF Managed Bean and want to display the list of Table Beans in the selectOneListbox component. Please guide how to design the JSF managed bean and JSF page. I am basically struggling to converting the List of TableBeans provided by Session EJB to show up in the selectOneListBox JSF component

Session EJB Local interface

Table Bean Data Object

JSF Managed Session Bean

JSF Page

14 years ago
This is my backing bean which is session scoped

This is my JSF file

I am getting an output of Test <select I am not understanding how to debug and implement the selectOneListbox. Please help

14 years ago
I just gave the exam today. I did not receive any kind of report after completing the exam forom the test center. Wondering if anybody got a receipt after completing the exam.

Hi All,
Please review the EJB 3.1 Session bean for best practice and taking advantage of interceptors. This session bean will be called by the JSF managed bean. I am having the following questions
1) Where do I place the dmd object so that it can be used by both getTables() and getColumns() business methods?
2) How can I use the interceptors for cross cutting code like logging?
3) What other parts of the code can be improved like exception handling, lifecycle callback methods etc?

Thanks in advance
Hi All,
I am using EJB3.1 I want to write a Stateless Session Bean which connects to the Oracle Database and reads the database metadata. The session beans basically will have two business methods. First method to return list of Tables in a database schema and second method to return list of columns of a particular table. I will expose a local business interface that will be used by the JSF managed beans

I want to use database connection pooling for connection purpose from stateless session bean. Is there any example available to achieve this.

Hi All,
Is there any mock tests available for the EJB 1.6 Beta Test. How to prepare to have the best chance to succeeda nd cover most of the topics and questions?


Thanks Jeanne,
Is there any similar examples available on the web. I really bothered about the transaction mangement and stuff.

I want to convert a database record to a SOAP message/ XML payload. How can I go about doing it

14 years ago
I want to write a java program to poll a database table for changes. How do I get started? Please suggest

I have a requirement to send any new records created in database table in XML message format to be send to a webservice. How should I go about doing this. The WS messaging mode is Document/Literal. Please help me get started.

14 years ago
I have a webservice that receives XML messages from third party. The webservice populates 3 database tables from these XML files. Data for each table comes in a single XML file. How will I design the werbservice to receive all the three different types of messages. eg: Customer, Order, OrderItem.

My WSDL is given below:

<?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?>
<schema xmlns="" >
<import namespace="" schemaLocation="xsd/Order.xsd" />
<wsdl:message name="requestMessage">
<wsdl:part name="request" element="inp1:Order"/>
<wsdl:portType name="execute_ptt">
<wsdl:operation name="execute">
<wsdl:input message="tns:requestMessage"/>

Any similar example will be really good.
14 years ago
Sorry the ActionForm is

private String projViewIds;

public String getProjViewIds() {
return projViewIds;

public void setProjViewIds(String projViewIds) {
this.projViewIds = projViewIds;

However I am not able to populate the actionform with the hidden variable
15 years ago