Ronakkumar Patel

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since May 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Ronakkumar Patel


Can anyone let me know how to do the agreement with Vodafone for VSCL API.
I went to its website but i didnt find how to do it.
19 years ago

I wont to get the default System Font on the Sharp phone.
Is there any way to get it.

What would be the smalles font size for the Game Programming.
Right now in my WTK Emulator i hv used this one.
Font font = Font.getFont(Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.STYLE_PLAIN , Font.SIZE_SMALL);
As far as i know this is the smallest font for Game Programming.

But when i ported my game on Sharp phone. It totally changed my display because of the font.
The font were vary big.

thanks in advance
19 years ago
The class file

Putting Code Tags around the code so we can read it.
[ July 13, 2005: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]
19 years ago
Did u get the solution for this problem.
let me know i need the solution very urgent
19 years ago
Hey i got the solution.
I got a one file , which does this. If u need let me know.
19 years ago

I have developed a Game and it uses the .wav file works very well in Emulator. I sent that game to Game distributor, This is the reply i got.

We found no problem to implement into Device and it works properly except
with NO sound
Game use "wav" format for the sound. Other Java
games implemented into Our Devise use "smaf" format for the sound. We assume
that if you change the sound format from "wav" to "smaf", the sound problem
will be solved.

Now i hv got everything player to play samf file , convertor in order to convert the .wav into SMAF format.

1) But i dont know How can i play smaf format file using J2ME any Idea.
2) And i looked at the Phone specification it does support the .wav format then why my game does not play sound there.
My .wav format is

Bit Rate : 64KBPS
Audio sample size : 8bit
Channels 1(mono)
Audio sample rate : 8khz
Audio format : PCM
19 years ago

I hv implemented a Multi Language Support for my Game. The Unicode I am using in order to display the differnt language,
should be supported by the Phone which i am targetting. Can i ask Phone manufacturar to provide me the Font
they are using for Differnt Language Support? What u guys do for Multi Language Support?

One Problem I a facing now.
I hv written a Function that reads the Text Files containing UTF characters in Chinese.
It shows everything right But it always shows one sqare First, i dont know where the hell that sqare comes from
and idea. Is it due to Null charater?

Thanks in advance
19 years ago

I have one problem in displaying text in Canvas using DrawText function.
My couple of strings are larger then 2 to 3 lines. And in DrawText '\n' is not supported.
Is there any way or any function in which i just put my string and it will dispaly in well manner if it is two long.
Means it will atomatically create a new line for the string when ever it finds that string is big enough to come in to emulator display.

Thanks in advance
19 years ago

I have click on the Enable Memory Monitor to look How much memory is my Game Using.
Now here is the Case i found i dont know why it happening.

When i run the game in the J2ME WTK (First Build and Then Run from the WTK it self)

Game uses maximum memorey 103k when i run the game.

Now after that I Package the game. and copy the .jar and .jad file in one folder on my desktop.

Now when i click on the .jad file. Both Memory Monitor and Emuators were open.
But this time It usues. 135K maximum memomry when i run the whole game.

The dirrence i found was in 2nd case VM internal Memory usage was more then the previous one. All the other things were same.

Any body can explaing me why this happens??
And also Plz tell me what should i consider my game size. 134k or 106k;

Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Hi, Just need to clarify one thing.

I put the required .jar file in BIN directory of the WTK of ProGround.
Now when i create obfuscated package it gives me the following erros.
But my .jar file is reduce also (Initally it was 106K now it is 104k)
I need to know does thie error means anything. or I can just go and Use the 104k jar file to run my game.

ProGuard, version 3.3
Reading program jar [C:\WTK22\apps\EXVocalGame\bin\EXVocalGame.jar]
Reading library jar [C:\WTK22\lib\mmapi.jar]
Reading library jar [C:\WTK22\lib\midpapi20.jar]
Reading library jar [C:\WTK22\lib\wma11.jar]
Reading library jar [C:\WTK22\lib\cldcapi10.jar]
Preparing output jar [C:\Documents and Settings\Ronakkumar Patel\Local Settings\Temp\EXVocalGame.jar]
Copying resources from program jar [C:\WTK22\apps\EXVocalGame\bin\EXVocalGame.jar]
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class []
Note: duplicate definition of library class [com.sun.cldc.i18n.j2me.UTF_8_Reader]
Wrote C:\WTK22\apps\EXVocalGame\bin\EXVocalGame.jar
Wrote C:\WTK22\apps\EXVocalGame\bin\EXVocalGame.jad
Build complete
19 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply.

But still there is one option.
My game has 20 version.
How i will direct user to the perticular version download.

Say one user is on level 1
now when he buys the game he should get level 2

if another user is on level 10
now when he buys the game he should get level 3

any suggession.
19 years ago

I have developed one game. Now it has three levels.
Now my Team leader wants me to give first level to the Users.
and when they finish the first level. they can buy the 2nd and 3rd level using gprs.
I am not sure how to impement this in the Game. How you guys do in the other games.
My game is such a way its resources should be updated in every level.

- I am thinking to put one option call BUY in the game it self.(But dont know how to code that option also)
- I am happy to put the .jar and .jad file on Net (not know then how i will access those file when user click on buy option)

thanks in advance.
waiting for your reply
19 years ago
guys did u find out or not
how to open text file in J2ME

if yes plz reply me on [email protected]
19 years ago
Hi Guys,

Is there any way to play mp3 using J2ME.
I went through all the requirements, but i think Audio Recorder and Player works for only wav. midi and mpeg files.

Tell me if anyone has tried to implement it.
19 years ago