JigaR Parekh

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since May 23, 2005
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Recent posts by JigaR Parekh

JEE 5 tutorial can also help for EJB as well as most of SCEA objective.
Yes i have purchased both Whizlabs and Epractize for SCEA 5.0 Part 1, and found Whizlab much more convincing then Epractize.
But from java ranch found that real exam for part 1 is much more harder than these simulators.
SOAP based web service are still relevant,
have a look below SOAP Vs. REST
14 years ago
i have purchased for Part-1 and i am completely dis-satisfied and found simulator useless.
In GOF book below is explained but not it is not at all clear to me what exactly it does and in what scenario it should be used

UnsharedConcreteFlyweight :
Not all Flyweight subclasses need to be shared. The Flyweight interface enables sharing; it doesn't enforce it. It's common for UnsharedConcreteFlyweight objects to have ConcreteFlyweight objects as children at some level in the flyweight object structure (as the Row and Column classes have).

Rest of elements in GOF diagram are clear to me.
There are quite good number of changes in exam Part 1 like
1) UML, Protocols, Internationalization are removed
2) EJB upgraded
3) Core JEE Patterns included
4) View techonlogies updated with JSF
5) objective for Webservice refined and SOA included
Intent of flyweight pattern is sharing of large number of fine grained objects.

i can understand that flyweight does this by separating intrinsic and extrinsic, storing intrinsic state in concrete flyweight and let client store or compute extrinsic state.

FlyWeightFactory is responsible for creating ,storing and sharing fly weight objects.

my question is what is purpose of UnsharedConcreteFlyweight?
i think this has also same confusion like this mine post
Thanks for your thought,

i think if this is the case then workload can increase or decrease performance might be better statement.

so still not clear how tolerance and workload can increase performance,scalability,availability & manageability.

May be Mark or Humphrey can clarify this
Posted this question to Humphrey Sheil blog let's see what book author replies.
SCEA book by Mark cade and Humphrey Sheil is for SCEA 5
Still confused with this any help?
Simplest form of Template method is almost same like plain class inheritance, but

one of applicable scenario for template method is

To control subclasses extensions. You can define a template method that calls "hook" operations at specific points, thereby permitting extensions only at those points.

So by using template pattern you can control what can be changed and what can not be changed. of course you will need inheritance characteristics of OOP to implement it.

Hi All,

i have some more confusion with tolerance from Humphrey Sheil book Chapter 1

How tolerance can increase Performance and Manageability? and
How Workload can increase Performance? i think it should decrease Performance.


The tolerance dimension is the time available to fulfill a request from a user. Tolerance is closely bound with the overall perceived performance.
Tolerance can increase performance, scalability, reliability, and manageability.


The workload dimension is the computational work being performed at a particular point within the system. Workload is closely related to capacity in that workload consumes available capacity, which leaves fewer resources available for other tasks.
Workload can increase performance, scalability, and availability.