Lalitha Gottumukkula

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since May 24, 2005
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Recent posts by Lalitha Gottumukkula


I tried creating excel files using .jrxml files. Am able to generate the files - however, the data is spanning across columns.
Since, I am mapping the data in x,y coordinates (in jrxml file), looks like it is not able to map the data to the row/columns of the excel.

Let me know if there is a solution to export the data without column spanning.


Is it possible to call a java / groovy method from a .jrxml file ?

Thanks for the code Ugender.
I am not sure what should be used as I am completely unaware of the web services.

Can you clarify the following :
1. Are there are any config files for the web services that should be present at the client side?
2. Should we need to have the Web Services download to run the client? What jars needs to be present at the client side?
3. How many types of clients can be written and what are their pros & cons?? (I think it is 3 types..)

17 years ago

I am not aware of Java Web Services. I have to create a client to call a webservice.

I was searching for the code in google but failed to understand what files/components/jars need to be there at the client side to call a web service.

Can anyone let me know how to create a client which makes a call to an external Web Service?

17 years ago

Can anyone give any document or steps of how to build a simple HelloWorld application in Tapestry?

Tried with the online downloads, couldn't succeed in running them ..

Can you please post the complete error stack?
Also, what is there in your classpath and path variables?


<load-on-startup> : WebLogic Server initializes this servlet when WebLogic Server starts up. The content of this element must be a positive integer indicating the order in which the servlet should be loaded. Lower integers are loaded before higher integers. If no value is specified, or if the value specified is not a positive integer, WebLogic Server can load the servlet in any order in the startup sequence.

I think, if two servlets have the same value for <load-on-startup> then any of the servlet can be loaded first.

And for the second question, I think you can get from the above quote....

18 years ago

Cant say the reason...why it gives compile time error only for y=x and not for x=4

But, I am getting the error for x=4 also.

What could be the reason?
Hope an example makes the point clearer.....
Check this....

Hope this helps.

In all other cases, normal exception handling occurs when an exception is thrown during the execution of the finalize() method, that is, exceptions are not simply ignored.

According to Java API,
If an uncaught exception is thrown by the finalize method, the exception is ignored and finalization of that object terminates.
Vidya Sagar,

But even after the method completes,the inner class object created within it might still be alive on the heap if, for example, a reference to it was passed into some other code and then stored in an instance variable.

Didn't get clearly. Can you explain this scenario with an example ?

I/O is not there in SCJP 1.4 and ofcourse it is there in SCJP 1.5

This is from some pdf file. It may help you.

There are a couple of concepts concerning finalize() :

1. For any given object, finalize() will be called only once by the
garbage collector.
2. Calling finalize() can actually result in saving an object from deletion.

First of all, finalize() is a method, and any code that you can put into a normal method you can put into finalize(). For example, in the finalize() method you could write code that passes a reference to the object in question back to another object, effectively 'uneligiblizing' the object for garbage collection. If at some point later on this same object becomes eligible for garbage collection again, the garbage collector can still process this object and delete it.

The garbage collector, however,will remember that, for this object, finalize() already ran, and it will not run finalize() again.
Here, c==d is equivalent to c.intValue()==d

This is because of Autoboxing/Unboxing feature present in java 1.5

Hope this helps.

- Lalitha.