Helen Ge

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If I were you, I would choose for webservice first. That's what I did. EJB 3.0 is quite new and some companies are still holding the watching attitude. You are right, by browing the job market, quite a lot of the job description is asking for the experience of the webservices.

Helen Ge
I don't have any real life working experience on EJB so far.

I suggest people who do not have the real experience like me don't just memorize the concepts and terms, you need fully understand everything from inside out. Digest each mock exam as the real brainer. Couple questions in the real exam designed this way: almost half page it describes the company background and all business requirements and ask you to design the best solution to best satisfy all the aspects in the requirement. For example, you have to satisfy one requirement as making one of those 4 required business transactions as the shortest as possible; you also have to satisfy one transaction's rollback will send out message plus so on so on... It took me 2 minutes to read and understand all the requirement and then you can imagine the next..

For the question that which kind of cert is more marketable, I really don't know since I have been working in my current company for over 8 years without knowing the outside world. In year 2004, my company was bought by another big company, I thought the merger could bring up the integration and the webservice could be useful, so I self-studied the webservice and got the certification in 2006. That gave me the opportunity to take an important role in a big integration project last year.

I think the webservice certification could be more valuable than the EJB because I heard couple friends in other big company said, their project architect really hate to use EJB so their projects were all designed to avoid to use EJB. But more and more webservice projects are on the way...

For the consulting company, things could be different - more certifications are welcome because they need your expertise to bid varity projects.

Hope my answer could help you a bit...

best wishes

Helen(Hua) Ge

I cleared the SCBCD exam today with the score 80%.

In general, the real exam is harder than the enthuware mock exam. Some questions are really tricky and did need the real brainer.

Suggest people who is preparing now to take more time on the JPQL, interceptor, entity listener and timers. There were quite a lot questions on those topics.

I'd like to take the chance here to thank for those people who helped me in answering my questions.

Helen(Hua) Ge
My SCDJWS did help to put me on the key role for a big enterprise integration project. Since not so many people really know the webservice, those kind experts are really needed in the market.

I have a hard time here to understand some points from the persistence spec:

Question #1 - The persistence context is not synchronized with the result of the bulk update or delete.

The persistence context is not synchronized with the result of the bulk update or delete.

Caution should be used when executing bulk update or delete operations because they may result in inconsistencies between the database and the entities in the active persistence context. In general, bulk update and delete operations should only be performed within a separate transaction or at the beginning of a transaction (before entities have been accessed whose state might be affected by such operations

Based on the above quote, I found one mock exam question and answer:

The result on this code will be returning "normal". The explaination on this is:

Bulk updates are not reflected in the existing persistence context. So it will return "normal".

How someone explain it so I can understand better?

Question #2 - bulk operation bypassing optimistic locking checks.

spec says:

Bulk update maps directly to a database update operation, bypassing optimistic locking checks. Portable applications must manually update the value of the version column, if desired, and/or manually validate the value of the version column.

My question - since I don't have real work experience on EJB, I am wondering in the real project, anyone had used the bulk operations? It sounds like a common operation to me. But since there would be no optimistic locking checks performed on the bulk operation, I am wondering how do you control the concurrency problem? Just make sure operations should only be performed within a separate transaction or at the beginning of a transaction as stated in the spec???


Helen Ge

I have a question regarding the flush mode setting on either the EntityManager or the Query object.

since the setFlushMode method is available in both EntityManager and Query interface, then which one takes the preference?

For example, If the EntityManager has been configured with setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO) and the Query object has been called with setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT), then will the preference goes to the Query object? (COMMIT in this case???)


Helen Ge
I am sorry and realized that this forum is not the good place to post this kind message but their customer support is so bad, no phone can reach. I keep sending email there, but never get one except the one they make my canceled order alive!
Strange enough - since the regsoft support sent email told me my first order was not be able to process and has been cancelled, then I made a new order this morning. But one hr ago, they sent email telling me my previous cancelled order has been authorized and processed. I can't believe they will still process the order they already canceled!

It's such a mess up. Now I have to deal with them to request the cancel on the second order to make sure I was not double charged.
Hi Mr. Paul Anil,

I have to call your help here since I am crazy on order the EnthuWare EJB 5 simulator now.

I ordered first time last Friday using my american express credit card and I got the customer service reply and it was unprocessed and cancelled without telling me any reason.

Then this morning I used my another citi master card did another ordering, I watched my processing status changed from in process to unprocessed again within 2 minutes.

I am wondering what's wrong with either of my orders??? or could be the RegSoft payment processing system has some problem, but at least they should let me know what is the issue?

I am crazy now.... How can I get the simulator now???


Helen Ge
It's such a disappointed and shock that after 2 days ordering and sending 3 emails for customer support that I finally got an email and just telling me that my order is not be able to be processed and the order is canceled. What's the reason? I have been using the same credit cards for years and never see any problem. At least the customer support should let me know why and what the reason they find out....
Hi Paul,

I ordered from United State. My real name is Hua Ge in the order and I used American express card which I used for almost any purchase with no problem at all. I sent two emails to your customer support already and don't have any reply yet. Now almost two days and my order is still 'unprocessed'. I don't see any phone contact I can use to directly talk with your customer service people.

Paul, other than the order processing issue, I still have another question - how do I get the formal order receipt? I do need that for company reimbursement purpose. Please advise me.

Helen Ge

Now I am facing the same problem with my order from the Enthware - The order status is not changed after 17 hrs and is still shows 'unprocessed'. Just wondering how long for other people get their order processed?


You don't need to konw the details of the EJB in the webservice exam, the only area that touch with EJB is that you got to know a little bit about the EJB endpoint service. I did not study the EJB at all when I prepared the webservice exam, just following the MZ's note and related materials is enough. But keep in mind that the webservice exam is definatelly really hard.

I took the web service one prior to this EJB 3.0 ( I am preparing for EJB 3.0) now. To me the web service is harder than the EJB 3.0, but I think you can take either one first, the sequence does not matter.

Hi friends,

I need someone's opinion regarding how to understand this statement from MZ's note:

A bean's message listener interface may define more than one message listener method. If the message listener interface contains more than one method, it is the resource adapter that determines which method is invoked.

To my knowledge, the javax.jms.MessageListener only defined one single method - onMessage() which the bean need to implement, so how to interpret the above quote? I am guessing that could that actually means that the bean can implement different MESSAGE LISTENER INTERFACE for the messaging type that the message-driven bean supports? but can only supports one specific MESSAGE LISTENER INTERFACE not multiple.

Please share your opinion with me.
