karmot ditt

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since May 25, 2005
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Recent posts by karmot ditt

Hello all,

Anyone out there know the correct answer for the follow question (I have modify it a litte bit from Enthuware QID:1077419390651):

request.setAttribute(�names�, new String[]{�1�,�2�,�3"});
<h1><% -- insert code here --%><h1>
Which of the following statements will print "3" in inserted in the above JSP page?

Select 3 correct options
a. ${names.2 }
b. ${names [�2�]}
c. ${names.index }
d. ${names[index]}
e. ${names} [index]
f. ${names.(names.index)}
g. ${names[names[index-1]]}

Hi all, which three are true about the HttpServletRequestWrapper class?

A. The HttpServletRequestWrapper is an example of the Decorator pattern.
B. The HttpServletRequestWrapper can be used to extend the functionally of a servlet request.
C. A subclass of HttpServletRequestWrapper CANNOT modify the behavior of the getReader method.
D. An HttpServletRequestWrapper may be used only by a class implementing the javax.servlet.Filter interface.
E. An HttpServletRequestWrapper CANNOT be used on the request passed to the
RequestDispatcher.include method.
F. An HttpServletRequestWrapper may modify the header of a request within an object implementing the javax.servlet.Filter interface.

Is it ABF?

Which is close to the real exam? Any idea...

[Moderator's note: The mock exam mentioned in the title illegally uses real questions. The name was removed. - Marc Peabody]
[ May 26, 2007: Message edited by: Marc Peabody ]