I can try to answer these questions.
DOM and Class Diagram:
1. Your observation is correct. My take is that it is a typo in the class diagram and the relationship should be many to one from Product to ProductCategory. In my opionion, changing the multiplicity would be changing the requirements.
2. The class diagram notes mention that Manufacturer has been made an attribute of Product. This makes sense since manufacturer is not significant enough to be its own class. The key point is that this change preserves the many to one relationship between Product and Manufacturer in the BDM. Each product now has one manufacturer and the same manufacturer can appear in several products (including no products). I wish the class diagram clearly indicated the manufacturer attribute though.
Class Diagram:
1. I too am not quite clear why the arrow is from Address to Customer.
2. This one is a little less confusing (though still not entirely clear). I was thinking of a Credit Card as containing the number, exp. date and more importantly to our discussion the customer name. I was thinking of the Customer as containing just basic information that identify the customer (id and name). Then, given a CreditCard, we should be able to tell which Customer it belongs to. However, given a Customer, we cannot tell which CreditCard they have from the Customer object (this relationship might be stored somewhere else). Now, I would depict this a little differently but this is the closest I can think of to explain this.
Component Diagrams:
1. These as you have guessed are interfaces. They are used to show that the dependency is to a well-published interface to the sub-system as opposed to having to talk to classes in that system. It allows for low coupling to the subsystem.
Sequence Diagrams:
1. My advice would be to follow the Cade-Roberts approach. Your sequence diagram will be a combination of components and entities in your class diagram.