Marcelo Ortega

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since May 31, 2005
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Depending on your background, I would suggest:

1) Read book: OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates (possibly twice if you have to)
2) Create your own mini Java programs to understand the concepts in the book
3) Do plenty of mock exam questions, both the ones in the above book and the others available on the net (see also SCJP FAQs on this site)

Good luck.
The compiler sees that h is of reference type Hotel, so it looks at Hotel declarations at compile time... At runtime is when the actual object type will be used.
Thanks for your time with us Bert. Thanks coderanch.

Congrats to other winners!
Hi Guys,

For me and many others, this question is a "no-brainer!". But for the benefit of the new comers into the Java world, can you please breifly comment on why they should choose this book over the others available on the market?

I can think of many reasons, but here are a few from my perspective:

1) Style of writing, easy to understand
2) Every thing you need to pass the exam
3) Authors have done this before - many times!
et, etc, etc


Hi Kathy / Bert,

Couple more questions...

1) Not counting the mock questions at the end of each chaperter, does the study guide come with a sample "mock exam"? i.e, possibly on the CD. Sorry if this is obvious or if it has been asked before.

2) Given the study guide is freshly baked, will you be posting Errata details on this forum? I reckon you will

Hey Guys,

How much detail would you say is in the study guide? What I mean is, is there just enough detail to be able to pass the exam, or does it dive further to explore the hows and whys? E.g. when talking about the garbage collector and how objects are made eligbile for collection, does it talk about the types of garbage collection algorithms (such as mark and sweep), generations, etc? I assume these topics are out of scope for the exams but just curious :-)

Hi Kathy / Bert,

In terms of questions, style and difficulty, how would OCP 7 compare to, say, SCJP 1.4 or greater? And has your book been adapted to any new style of questions we could face?


Hi Kathy and Bert,

Would your study guide help a Java person who last "officially" studied Java 1.4? As a fan of your style of writing, I assume this will be a breeze to read, understand and ultimately pass the exam! But your confirmation would be appreciated.


Congrats Eduardo! Enjoy the benefits.
13 years ago
In my case I only showed the positive outcome and communicated this to the examiner in the assumptions area.
I had a similar issue. But the fact is that a business delegate shields clients from business services, so the methods may or may not have the same name. It may look cluttered / redundant, but it's not wrong. E.g. you may have a method in your BD named fetchUser(Long id), which calls a session bean method named searchUserById(Long). Or it may have the same name. Depends on your naming convention and if you like the adopted approach.
We would normally only show important accessor methods in class diagrams. The Entities represent data from a relational database, so the private attributes can serve this purpose. But its your choice.
The the reason for D being incorrect is in answer A,.. CMP and JPA can co-exist, therefore there is no need to migrate.
Thanks Shashi, Krzysztof, Cole and Sadanand. I appreciate your kind words!! Merry Christmas.


13 years ago