Arsalan Madjd

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since Feb 21, 2001
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Recent posts by Arsalan Madjd

Thanks for the responses. I will search google some more and will try JNI if I have to.
20 years ago
Could anybody tell me how to convert and run a Java application as Windows service(Windows 2000 or xp)? I know there are commerical products out there to handle this but I was wondering if there is a standard procedure for that.
20 years ago
yes. It is a part of our requirements to detect the bounced emails. In my test program when send email to an invalid email address, I get an email notification from our mailer daemon within few minutes.
22 years ago
I am trying to send email within a Java application and would like to detect if the address I am sending to is invalid. Currently if the address in invalid, the "send" call goes through without any exception and the program terminates. Should I be waiting for the rejected email?
22 years ago
I have tried the example (and other similar examples) that comes with JavaMail . If the recipient address does not exist, Transport.send would not throw an exception. How I can detect an invalid (i.e. non existing address)?
Many thanks,
Arsalan Madjd
22 years ago
I tried to use the class com.javaranch.common.Http for a similar problem (Applet to Servlet communication). I can read from the servlet. However when I try to write to it, I also get "FileNotFoundException" excpetion. My Applet code to send an object to the servlet is as follow:
URL myurl = new URL(getCodeBase(), "/servlet/SimpleServlet");
URLConnection con = myurl.openConnection();
con.setUseCaches( false );
Object obj = new String(fname);
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream( con.getOutputStream() ) );
if ( obj != null )
out.writeObject( obj );
Any help or idea is appreciated.
Arsalan Madjd

23 years ago
I have some experience with JSP and Servlets. From what I understand, the main advantage of JSP over Servlet is the separation of presentation from content in JSP pages. Does that mean a web developer with no knowledge of Java can use JSP and HTML to develop web pages? I don't see how this can be done. Even if the web developer relies on pre-built beans, some know of Java is required to invoke the bean methods.
By the way I am also interested in winning the JSP book.
Arsalan Madjd
23 years ago
I have tried a simple example for RMI callback. But it does not work if the client is an Applet running in a browser. The problem is when the client creates a Remote object (which is a UnicastRemoteObject) my hostname is encodes in the object rather than the IP address. Therefor when the server tries to invoke a method on it, the following error is generated: connect (code=10061)
If I use an application for my client (or run my Applet in the appletviewer), IP is encoded in the remote object and everything works. Any suggestion helps?
23 years ago
Hi Manfred,
That worked. Thanks for your help.

Originally posted by Manfred Leonhardt:
You could set the JTextArea caret position to 0. The top ...
textArea.setCaretPosition( 0 );
That should make the scrollbars back to top of textarea.

23 years ago
Could someone help me with this problem?
I have a JTextArea inside a JScrollPane so that I can scroll the text. My program reads a files and populated the textarea. When it is done, the textarea is scrolled all the way down. How can I scroll it all the way up programmatically?
23 years ago