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The biggest differences are that the Junior exam is not a valid pre-req for the OCP exam. The OCA covers many of the same objectives as the Junior Associate. The Junior Associate covers a few topics that are not on the regular OCA:

  • Real world applications of Java - this is things that were on the Java 5/6 associate exam sections 5-7 such as being able to explain what applets/servlets/ejb/jdbc are.
  • Knowing what the JRE/JDK are for - most Java books cover this because it so so basic
  • Compiling/running at the command line - most Java books cover this because it so so basic
  • String formatting using %s, %d and %n
  • The Random and Math classes
  • Using the Iterator class
  • Using the compareTo method (just what it returns - not the difference between Comparable and Comparator)

  • OCA 8 ObjectiveOCP 8 TextJava Foundations Junior Associate Coverage
    Java Basics
    1.1Define the scope of variablesnot on junior associate exam
    1.2Define the structure of a Java class2.3
    1.3Create executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; including console output.2.4
    1.4Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code3.4
    1.5Compare and contrast the features and components of Java such as: platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc.1.1
    Working With Java Data Types
    2.1Declare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types)4.1
    2.2Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variablesnot on junior associate exam
    2.3Know how to read or write to object fields12.3, 12.4
    2.4Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference by reassignment" and garbage collection)not on junior associate exam
    2.5Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer.implied in 11.2
    Using Operators and Decision Constructs �
    3.1Use Java operators; including parentheses to override operator precedence5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
    3.3Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()8.3, 8.4
    3.4Create if and if/else constructs and ternary constructs8.1
    3.5Use a switch statement8.2
    Creating and Using Arrays
    4.1Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array11.1
    4.2Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arraynot on junior associate exam
    Using Loop Constructs
    5.1Create and use while loops9.3
    5.2Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop9.4
    5.3Create and use do/while loops9.4
    5.4Compare loop constructs9.1, 9.5
    5.5Use break and continue �9.6
    Working with Methods and Encapsulation
    6.1Create methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methods13.1, 13.3
    6.2Apply the static keyword� to methods and fields �13.4
    6.5Create and overload constructors; including impact on default constructors12.5,12.6,12.7
    6.6Apply access modifiers12.2 (private only)
    6.7Apply encapsulation principles to a class13.2
    6.8Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed� into methods that change the valuesnot on junior associate exam
    Working with Inheritance
    7.1Describe the hierarchy of implementing inheritancenot on junior associate exam
    7.2Develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphismnot on junior associate exam
    7.3Differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object; including overriding and object type versus reference typenot on junior associate exam
    7.4Determine when casting is necessary4.2
    7.5Use super and this to access objects and constructorsnot on junior associate exam
    7.6Use abstract classes and interfacesnot on junior associate exam
    Handling Exceptions
    8.1Differentiate among checked exceptions, RuntimeExceptions and Errors10.3
    8.2Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow10.1,10.4
    8.3Describe the advantages of Exception handling10.2
    8.4Invoke a method that throws an exception10.1,10.4
    8.5Recognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)10.3
    Working with Selected Classes from the Java API
    9.1Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methodsnot on junior associate exam
    9.2Creating and manipulating Strings4.3,6.1
    9.3Create and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Periodnot on junior associate exam
    9.4Declare and use an ArrayList of a given type11.2, 11.3, 11.4
    9.5Write a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expressionnot on junior associate exam

    Java Junior Associate 8 ObjectiveTextOCA 8 Coverage
    What Is Java?
    1.1Describe the features of Java1.5
    1.2Describe the real-world applications of Javanot on OCA
    Java Basics
    2.1Describe the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)not on OCA
    2.3Describe the components of object-oriented programming1.2
    2.3Describe the components of a basic Java programi1.2
    2.4Compile and execute a Java program1.3
    Basic Java Elements
    3.1Identify the conventions to be followed in a Java programImplied in other OCA objectives
    3.2Use Java reserved wordsImplied in other OCA objectives
    3.3Use single-line and multi-line comments in Java programsImplied in other OCA objectives
    3.4Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code1.4
    3.5Describe the java.lang package
    Working with Java Data Types
    4.1Declare and initialize variables including a variable using final2.1
    4.2Cast a value from one data type to another including automatic and manual promotion7.4
    4.3Declare and initialize a String variable9.2
    Working with Java Operator
    5.1Use basic arithmetic operators to manipulate data including +, -, *, /, and %3.1
    5.2Use the increment and decrement operators3.1
    5.3Use relational operators including ==, !=, >, >=, <, and <=3.1
    5.4Use arithmetic assignment operators3.1
    5.5Use conditional operators including &&, pipes and ?3.1
    5.6Describe the operator precedence and use of parenthesis3.1
    Working with the String Class
    6.1Develop code that uses methods from the String class9.2
    6.2Format Strings using escape sequences including %d, %n, and %snot on OCA
    Working with the Random and Math Classes
    7.1Use the Random classnot on OCA
    7.2Use the Math classnot on OCA
    Using Decision Statements
    8.1Use the decision making statement (if-then and if-then-else)3.4
    8.2Use the switch statement3.5
    8.3Compare how == differs between primitives and objects3.3
    8.4Compare two String objects by using the compareTo and equals methods3.3 (compareTo is not on OCA)
    Using Looping Statements
    9.1Describe looping statements5.4
    9.2Use a for loop including an enhanced for loop5.2
    9.3Use a while loop5.1
    9.4Use a do- while loop5.3
    9.5Compare and contrast the for, while, and do-while loops5.4
    9.6Develop code that uses break and continue statements5.5
    Debugging and Exception Handling
    10.1Identify syntax and logic errors8.2, 8.4
    10.2Use exception handling8.3
    10.3Handle common exceptions thrown8.1, 8.5
    10.4Use try and catch blocks8.2, 8.4
    Arrays and ArrayLists
    11.1Use a one-dimensional array4.1
    11.2Create and manipulate an ArrayList2.5,9.4
    11.3Traverse the elements of an ArrayList by using iterators and loops including the enhanced for loop9.4 (iterators isn't on the OCA)
    11.4Compare an array and an ArrayList9.4
    Classes and Constructors
    12.1Create a new class including a main methodImplied in other OCA objectives
    12.2Use the private modifier6.6
    12.3Describe the relationship between an object and its members2.3
    12.4Describe the difference between a class variable, an instance variable, and a local variable2.3
    12.5Develop code that creates an object's default constructor and modifies the object's fields6.5
    12.6Use constructors with and without parameters6.5
    12.7Develop code that overloads constructors6.5
    Java Methods
    13.1Describe and create a method6.1
    13.2Create and use accessor and mutator methods6.7
    13.3Create overloaded methods6.1
    13.4Describe a static method and demonstrate its use within a program6.2
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