Some of the most frequently asked questions regarding
Servlet development on
Tomcat. Some questions may also be answered in the
ServletsFaq and the
As any other page in this wiki, the page is editable by anyone, so don't hesitate to add useful stuff. Click on "edit this page" below to contribute.
Official Tomcat Wiki answers many questions, and is an excellent starting point for further research:
It also lists the various Tomcat versions and the Servlet/JSP version they support: Some more information about version differences can be found at
What are the differences between a web server, a servlet container and an application server? What differentiates Tomcat, JBoss and Geronimo? Is Tomcat an Application Server?
Also see this forum discussion
How to set CATALINA_HOME in Tomcat
Here's a previous discussion, on how to set CATALINA_HOME -
How to change the JDK version used by Tomcat
Tomcat (startup scripts) looks for the presence of JAVA_HOME environment variable to pick up the
Java version to use. You can set the JAVA_HOME appropriately to point to the version of Java, you want Tomcat to use.
Some of the previous discussions, in our Tomcat Forum, on how this can be done:
Change Tomcat JDK version
Setting up the Tomcat Manager Application
The Tomcat Manager application is essential to listing and controlling the contexts (web apps) managed by the container. The Manager application ships with Tomcat, but you must create a privileged user in order to user the application.
Open the file tomcat-users.xml file in Tomcat's conf folder as add the following line if it is not already there:
The add the following:
Be sure to substitute appropriate usernames and passwords.
Restart Tomcat and hit the URL:
You should see the list of running web applications.
Tomcat Admin Application
Starting Tomcat 5.5, the "admin" application in Tomcat is not shipped by default.
Tomcat Admin Application is a previous discussion on how to download and deploy the admin application.
How to define a context name in Tomcat
One of the frequently asked questions in Tomcat is - how to define a custom context name for a web application deployed in Tomcat. For example, if you are deploying a war named MyApp and want it to be available at
http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld instead of
http://localhost:8080/MyApp, then you'll have to configure a context name for that war. Here are some of the previous discussions which explain, how to do this:
Tomcat 6 - How to define context nameTomcat - Which files to configure for context name
404 Errors
Why do I get 404 not found?- You are requesting a page or servlet that's not there. Check whether you are referring to an incorrect file location or have made a typo in a URL. Calling an external resource while on a computer that has no access to the Internet can also cause this.
What is the invoker servlet?
How do I see what requests are being made ?
Edit the file conf/server.xmlUncomment the following lines
Is it possible to embed Tomcat in a desktop application, so it can be used without having to be installed as a separate server ?
Yes, that's possible. You can download a special embedding version of Tomcat, which is smaller than the standard distribution, but the normal version will do as well. All the details can be found in
this article.
Update: Some of the Tomcat APIs have changed since that article was written; see
this writeup for an example that works with Tomcat 7 and (presumably) newer.
How do I enable the EL (Expression Language) for Tomcat 5?
In order for Tomcat 5 to automatically enable the Expression Language in your
JSP pages, your app must be declared as a Servlets 2.4 web application in the application's
web.xml deployment descriptor.
Here's how:
How can I control a Tomcat server on a remote machine, e.g. to restart a web app or Tomcat itself?
Tomcat comes with a number of
Ant tasks that can be used to control it from afar. Some documentation about that
is here.
Tomcat crashes with a 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space' message. What gives?
Some discussion and proposed solutions can be found in a couple of Saloon threads
here and
here. A couple of articles discussing the issue -and proposing solutions- can be found at and
Tomcat as service
If you want to add or customize Tomcat as a service on Windows, then follow
Some previous discussions in our
Tomcat Forum about installing Tomcat as a service:
Start Tomcat as service
What does "The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path" log message mean