The CodeRanch Journal September 2013
Howdy from everyone at the Ranch!
News from the Ranch
We have 2 new features added:
Captcha no longer needed on user profile edit page.Added ability to grant likes and cows via mobile view.
Note: Only Ranchers and above can grant cows.
Some interesting discussions from the CodeRanch
if we were to tweet, what would you want to see?A fun game and a funny story to read. More detailsRanchers discuss about double checked locking in JavaHere's a Ranch Hand wondering if anyone has experience with parallelized Java programs on a Xeon Phi coprocessorA lively discussion about coding standards considering multiple return statements
Blogs from the Staff
Jeanne Boyarsky blogged about java 8 lambdas from the nyc java meetup.I had blogged about the new Optional API to be introduced in Java 8.
Book Promotions and Reviews
Upcoming Promos
A packed book promo for the next 5 weeks. To know the books up for promo visit the book promo schedule here:
Book Reviews
Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners: Agile Tactics, Tools, & Tips reviewed by Jeanne BoyarskySoftware Design Principles reviewed by Jeanne Boyarsky.
What the Trailboss is upto
Keeping aside his Java skills,
Paul Wheaton these days is busy on his farm, spreading the
word about
permaculture. A few months back he had his kickstarter for a DVD set of "
Wood Burning Stoves 2.0" successfully funded and now those DVDs are
available. He recently came up with yet another idea for spreading the word about permaculture, in the form of permaculture
playing cards and had the kickstarter for that successfully
funded, backed by over a 1000 backers! Those wonderful
cards are expected to be available right before the holiday season to gift them out to your loved ones! For more about permaculture visit Paul's
website and for latest news from Paul's farm, visit
If you have any feedback about this edition or the Ranch journal in general,
then feel free to open a new
thread in our Ranch Office forum (
About the editor
Mohamed Sanaulla has been member of Javaranch since 2007 and moderator since 2011.