You can find the cowgirl at the campfire every night! Her favorite stories to tell are "How my Dog learned Polymorphism" and "Getting in Touch with your Inner Class."
Get 'yer code samples here! Familiarize yourself with some of the basics, including Applets, showing images and Threads. The Code Barn features sample programs with the source running as an applet.
Grab a sense of coding style. VanRenseleer is the top cluck of the coop and a pretty decent coder too. He has thoroughly documented in his Java Style Guide in the Chicken Coop. He never lets us forget as every morning he wakes us up by crowing "Cooooode Revieeeeeeeew".
Got Links? Gramps sure does. Don't misunderstand. Gramps has travelled to a lot of interesting places. It's just that he repeats himself. A lot. We've taped a list of his most interesting Java related travels on the back of his rocker. We suggest you check the list while Gramps is napping.
No one should be out on the range without their vital JavaRanch supplies. T-shirts, caps, lunch bags, and mugs will keep you ready whether you are out on a cattle drive or just dropping in to the saloon.
The Javaranch Family - Wonder what makes the whole thingy tick? Why it's our wonderful extended Family. Come on in and see who we are! Get the lowdown on all the Bartenders and Sheriffs!!
Bring me the box labeled "thinking cap" ... and then read this tiny ad: