Problems, Questions and Solutions
JstlUriNotResolved: What to do about "The absolute uri: cannot be resolved "
ResourceUrlProblems: Why don't images load? or style sheets? Or script files? Why a 404 on form submit?
TypesOfPaths: What are the different types of paths used in
Java web apps?
JavaScriptAndJsp: What's all this about not mixing JavaScript and
CanIMixJSPWithJavaScript: Can you mix JSP and JavaScript?
RedirectForward: What is the difference between a sendRedirect and a forward?
JspOrServlets: JSP versus
Servlets, which is better?
WhyNotUseScriptlets: Why shouldn't you put java in your JSP?
BeansNotFound : Why can't the server find my beans?
IllegalStateException: The most common cause of
IllegalStateException, and an easy rule of thumb for preventing it.
IncludesActionDirective : What is the difference between the include directive and the include action?
ElOrJstlNotWorkingAsExpected : EL not evaluating? JSTL not working as you expect?
WeirdWordCharacters: Word-generated "Smart quotes" getting you down?
ScripletVariablesAndTheEl: Why can't the EL access my scriplet variables?
Model1Model2MVC: What is the difference between Model 1 and Model 2? What is MVC?
HtmlHasNoComboBox: What is a Combo Box? Why it's important not to refer to HTML select lists as Combo Boxes.
WhyNotUseJstlSqlActions: Why should the JSTL SQL actions (tags) be avoided?
WhichVersionAmIRunningOn: If you're not sure what the server your code is running on supports
SpecificationUrls : Locations of relevant specifications (Servlets, JSP, JSTL)
The 2nd edition of Volume 1 of
Core Servlets and JSP has
the second edition available as a free PDF.
JavaRanchJournalArticles : Java Ranch Journal articles relevant to JSPs
JstlTagLibDefinitions : Download locations and URIs for JSTL 1.0 and JSTL 1.1
Introduction to JSTL:
part 1 - EL,
part 2 - Core,
part 3 - Formatting and I18N,
part 4 - XML and SQL
How To's
SetupJstlForJsp2 : How to set up the JSTL 1.1 for JSP 2.0
ServletsWebXml : Setting up a web.xml file for Servlets 2.4 (Note:
required in
Tomcat 5 to enable the EL)
PackageYourBeans : Why
you should always put your Java classes into a specific package.
DefineELFunctions : How do I define EL functions that map to static methods?
DoubleSubmitProblem : How to avoid duplicate submissions?
NoCacheHeaders : Want to prevent the browser from caching the page?
JspAndExcel : How to download Excel spreadsheets from a JSP
FileUpload : How do I upload a file with JSP/Servlets?
PaginationOrPaging : How do I limit the number of rows displayed in the browser?
PostRedirectGet : A simple example of the PRG
pattern implemented in a JSP page.
JstlTable : Using nested JSTL forEach tags to display a table in an HTML page
RelativeLinks: How to build robust relative links in Servlet and JSP applications
CategoryFaq ServletsFaq TomcatFaq