posted 9 years ago
Note that this page is mostly about JME 3, which is long obsolete. JME 8 -geared more towards embedded systems than mobile phones- has not gotten much traction. Try for information on that.
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Java ME-related questions in the
JavaRanch Java ME forum.
Java ME home pageAn SDK for Java ME 8 is available for Windows.article on Java ME 8If you're wondering how to encode URLs without*, see UrlEncodingForMobileJava
BlackBerry development
As of BlackBerry OS 10, Java ME is no longer supported. BB 10 has an Android compatibility layer, though, which supports Android 4.3: As of 2016, BB 10 seems to have reached its EOL, and Blackberries are straight Android devices.Java Application Development (runs on BlackBerry OS up to 7.1)Web Development using Apache Cordova
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