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Here you'll find an overview of the errata for the OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804) by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates (also known as K&B7).

All errata in this overview are confirmed. For convenience and ease of use this overview is ordered on chapter and page. If you have found a mistake in the book which isn't in this list yet or doubt about a possible mistake, just post a reply in this thread. Once it is confirmed, it will be added to this overview.

Thank you all for your help!

Chapter 1

  •  page 12: Launching Applications with java

  • Because java -version is a valid command, the java command should have brackets around class (because it's clearly optional). Note: on the official Oracle documentation about the java command you'll find exactly the same format as currently mentioned in the book.

    java [options] class [args]

    Should be:
    java [options] [class] [args]

  •  page 12: Launching Applications with java (2)

  • According to the official Oracle documentation about the java command the option -version displays version information and exits; the option -showversion displays version information and continues. So to have the same behavior as described in this section option -showversion must be used.

    java -version MyClass x 1

    Should be:
    java -showversion MyClass x 1

  •  page 28: Exam Watch

  • A semicolon is missing at the end of one of the statements.

    static final int x = 1

    Should be:
    static final int x = 1;

  • page 33: code snippet of class Toon

  • There is no package statement defined in class Toon. Because class Cloo has default access, class Toon should be in same package as class Cloo in order to compile successfully. So add the same package statement (as class Cloo) to class Toon or assume classes Cloo and Toon are both defined in the same source code file.

    class Toon {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cloo c = new Cloo();
    System.out.println(c.doRooThings()); // No problem; method is public

    Should be:
    package notcert;
    class Toon {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cloo c = new Cloo();
    System.out.println(c.doRooThings()); // No problem; method is public

  •  page 52: Instance Variables, code snippet of class Employee

  • In the code snippet one line of code ends with a comma instead of a semi-colon.

    private String title,

    Should be:
    private String title;

  • page 62: bottom of page, 3rd sentence of last paragraph

  • A minor typo (another word would be more appropriate).

    Currently: Each of the enumerated CoffeeSize types is actually an instance of CoffeeSize

    Should be: Each of the enumerated CoffeeSize values is actually an instance of CoffeeSize

  • page 65: top of page, 1st sentence of 1st paragraph

  • A minor typo (a wrong chapter reference).

    Currently: that looks like an anonymous inner class (which we talk about in Chapter 8)

    Should be: that looks like an anonymous inner class (which we talk about in Chapter 12)

  • page 79: Self Test, Question 9

  • In the code snippet the opening curly brace of class Frodo is missing.

    4. public class Frodo extends Hobbit

    Should be:
    4. public class Frodo extends Hobbit {

    Chapter 2

  • page 112: Table 2-3

  • A minor typo (a wrong table id)

    Currently: TABLE 1-2 Differences Between Overloaded and Overridden Methods

    Should be: TABLE 2-3 Differences Between Overloaded and Overridden Methods

  • page 120: Figure 2-5

  • The class keyword is missing in the class declaration of Ball.

    abstract Ball implements Bounceable

    Should be:
    abstract class Ball implements Bounceable

  •  page 131: Table 2-4

  • The complete constructor in the 3rd cell of the "Compiler-Generated Constructor Code (in Bold)" column must be in bold (to reflect that it is compiler generated), not just the call to super().

    public class Foo {
    public Foo() {

    Should be:
    public class Foo {
    public Foo() {

  •  page 145: top of page, code snippet

  • A minor typo in the variable name.

    // FrogCount using f

    Should be:
    // frogCount using f

  •  page 145: top of page, paragraph just beneath code snippet

  • The code snippet accesses a static variable frogCount and not a static method as mentioned in the paragraph on 3 occasions.

    - and then use the f reference to invoke the static method!
    - But even though we are using a specific Frog instance to access the static method
    - and so the Frog class static method is run

    Should be:
    - and then use the f reference to access the static variable!
    - But even though we are using a specific Frog instance to access the static variable
    - and so the Frog class static variable is accessed

  •  page 156: Self Test, Question 4

  • The grid containing the code fragments is missing the closing parenthesis.

    ( {}

    Should be:

    Chapter 3

  •  page 175: Exam Watch

  • A variable has to be declared (and initialized) before another variable uses it, even when multiple variables are declared on a single line.

    int j, k=m+3, l, m=1; // illegal: m is not initialized before k uses it

    Should be:
    int j, k=m+3, l, m=1; // illegal: m is not declared and initialized before k uses it

  •  page 175: Exam Watch (2)

  • Variable x is not initialized before variable y uses it. If x, y, and z are instance (or class) variables, that line will compile successfully (because these variables get a default value). A local variable doesn't get a default value and must be initialized before it's used, otherwise you'll get a compiler error.

    int x, y=x+1, z; // illegal: x is not initialized before y uses it

    Should be:
    int x, y=x+1, z; // illegal (only if local variables): x is not initialized before y uses it

  •  page 188: Array Instance Variables, 2nd paragraph, last sentence

  • When an array is merely declared, the statement "Array elements are always given default values" can be confusing as there are no array elements. So regardless of where the array itself is instantiated, the array elements are always given a default value. (The complete discussion can be read here)

    Currently: regardless where the array itself is declared or instantiated.

    Should be: regardless where the array itself is instantiated.

  •  page 192: middle of page, output of ReferenceTest

  • A minor error in the output.

    a.height = 10
    a.height = 30 after change to be

    Should be:
    a1.height = 10
    a1.height = 30 after change to be

  •  page 211: Two Minute Drill, Garbage Collection

  • A minor mark-up error.

    Currently: The Class object has a finalize() method.

    Should be: The class Object has a finalize() method.

  •  page 215: Self Test, Question 7

  • As the Wind class creates a few temporary strings as well (in the print statement), answer choices D to G should explicitly refer to Wind objects.

    D. Zero objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    E. One object is eligible for garbage collection.
    F. Two objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    G. Three objects are eligible for garbage collection.

    Should be:
    D. Zero Wind objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    E. One Wind object is eligible for garbage collection.
    F. Two Wind objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    G. Three Wind objects are eligible for garbage collection.

  •  page 220: Self Test Answers, Question 3

  • The possible answer choices are A, B, C, D, E and F. The explanation is describing answer F but referring to it as G.

    - A, B, D, E, and G are incorrect.
    - and G is a valid hexadecimal literal that uses an underscore.

    Should be:
    - A, B, D, E, and F are incorrect.
    - and F is a valid hexadecimal literal that uses an underscore.

    Chapter 4

  •  page 235: Table 4-1, 5th row

  • If you try to check if Foo[] is of type Foo (or Bar or Face) using the instanceof operator, you will get a compiler error.

    Foo[]Foo, Bar, Facefalse

    Should be:
    Foo[]Foo, Bar, Facecompiler error

  •  page 237: middle of page

  • This statement implies the sum (of b and c) is first turned into a String before being concatenated to another String. But when a primitive is concatenated to a String, the primitive is not converted to a String first.

    Currently: "Add the values of b and c together, and then take the sum and convert it to a String and concatenate it with the String from variable a."

    Should be: "Add the values of b and c together, and then take the sum and concatenate it with the String from variable a."

  •  page 253: Self Test, Question 8

  • On line 10 of the code snippet, the assignment operator (=) should be used instead of the equality operator (==).

    10. if(b1 || (b2 == true)) s += "y";

    Should be:
    10. if(b1 || (b2 = true)) s += "y";

  •  page 255: Self Test Answers, Question 7

  • A minor issue: the exam objective is missing behind the explanation.

    Currently: operator's boolean test.

    Should be: operator's boolean test. (OCP Objective 2.5)

    Chapter 5

  •  page 268: top of page, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence

  • Both begin and end index of the substring method (in the String class) are zero-based (0 is a legal end index), but the end index is exclusive, whereas the begin index is inclusive. It would probably even be better to rephrase the whole paragraph for improved quality.

    Currently: Unfortunately, the ending argument is not zero-based,

    Should be: Unfortunately, the ending argument is exclusive,

  •  page 283: Figure 5-7

  • The statement (in the box just beneath the figure) is missing a semicolon at the end.

    {new Cat("Bilbo"), new Cat("Legolas"), new Cat("Bert")}}

    Should be:
    {new Cat("Bilbo"), new Cat("Legolas"), new Cat("Bert")}};

  • page 297: Two Minute Drill, Using ArrayList, last bullet point

  • The parameters of both the contains and indexOf methods are missing (consistency).

    Currently: clear(), contains(), get(index), indexOf(),

    Should be: clear(), contains(object), get(index), indexOf(object),

    Chapter 6

  • page 316: Exam Watch

  • Using curly braces with a case is not a compiler error, omitting the colon definitely is.

    Currently: In the first example, the case uses a curly brace and omits the colon.

    Should be: In the first example, the case omits the colon.

  • page 329: ILLEGAL 'for' declarations, 2nd statement

  • The variable x2 is already defined (being the reason why the 1st statement is illegal). So to properly illustrate the intended reason why the 2nd statement is illegal (you can't stuff an array into an int), the variable name of the 2nd statement should be changed.

    for(int x2 : twoDee) ;

    Should be:
    for(int i1 : twoDee) ;

  •  page 337: 3rd sentence in last paragraph

  • When an exception is thrown while the code in the try block is executing, execution immediately transfers to the appropriate catch clause (and not to the first line inside that catch clause).

    Currently: execution transfers to the first line of that exception handler, line 8 in the catch clause.

    Should be: execution transfers to that exception handler (line 7 in the code).

  •  page 350: 4th sentence in last paragraph

  • This sentence makes it sound like RuntimeException is a subclass of Error (which is of course not true). So RuntimeException should be replaced with any subclass of Error (e.g. StackOverflowError, NoClassDefFoundError, OutOfMemoryError,...)

    Currently: When an Error or a subclass of Error (like RuntimeException) is thrown, it's unchecked.

    Should be: When an Error or a subclass of Error (like StackOverflowError) is thrown, it's unchecked.

  •  page 351: bottom of page, AssertionError

  • In the 1st sentence of the last paragraph (just beneath the Exam Watch) AssertionError is mentioned for the very 1st time in this study guide. This is still a left-over of dividing the study guide in Part I (for OCA) and Part II (for OCP). Assertions are covered in the OCP part (chapter 7), so for the OCA exam you only need to know that AssertionError IS-A Error (so not a subclass of Exception nor RuntimeException).

    AssertionError is also mentioned on page 357 (1st sentence in 1st paragraph, just beneath the code snippet) and on page 358 (in table 6-2).

  •  page 361: Two Minute Drill, Writing Code Using if and switch Statements, 5th bullet point

  • A case constant must be a compile-time constant (just a final variable is insufficient).

    Currently: The case constant must be a literal or final variable,

    Should be: The case constant must be a literal or compile-time constant,

  •  page 361: Two Minute Drill, Writing Code Using if and switch Statements, last bullet point

  • A default block (if present) is executed when no case matches.

    Currently: so if no preceding case matches, the default block will be entered,

    Should be: so if no case matches, the default block will be entered,

  •  page 370-371: Self Test, Question 13

  • If you think StackOverflowError is a runtime (or checked) exception, you could still get the correct answer for this question. And if you only check the correct answers (and don't read the explanation), you'll never know.
    Therefore it might be useful to improve this question as follows:

    - change "ouch" to "error" (in fragment II) and to "exception" (in fragment III)
    - add these two new answer options G and H:
    G. error is in the output.
    H. exception is in the output.
    - after these changes the correct answers would be B, E, and G.

    Chapter 7

  •  page 393: Rethrowing Exceptions (only in Kindle Edition)

  • The code sample just above "Notice the multi-catch is gone..." shows completely unrelated code without any exception handling.

    Should be:
    1. public void rethrow() throws SQLException, IOException {
    2. try {
    3. couldThrowAnException();
    4. } catch (Exception e) { // watch out: this isn't really
    5. // catching all exception sublclasses
    6. log(e);
    7. throw e; // note: won't compile in Java 6
    8. }
    9. }

  •  page 394: Exam Watch

  • A minor mark-up error. This is not an "exam watch", but should be an "on the job!".

  •  page 395: Table 7-3

  • When a checked exception is added to the rain() method signature and the exception is caught and rethrown (as in the code examples), this checked exception must also be added to the ahhh() method signature.

    Java 6 styleAdd another catch block to handle the new exception.Remove a catch block to avoid compiler error about unreachable code.
    Java 7 with duplicationAdd another exception to the multi-catch block to handle the new exception.Remove an expression from the multi-catch block to avoid compiler error about unreachable code.
    Java 7 without duplicationAdd another exception to the method signature to handle the new exception that can be thrown.No code changes needed.

    Should be:
    Java 6 styleAdd another catch block to handle the new exception. If the new exception is rethrown in the catch block, add another exception to the method signature to handle the new exception that can be thrown.Remove a catch block to avoid compiler error about unreachable code.
    Java 7 with duplicationAdd another exception to the multi-catch block to handle the new exception and/or add another exception to the method signature to handle the new exception that can be thrown.Remove an expression from the multi-catch block to avoid compiler error about unreachable code.
    Java 7 without duplicationAdd another exception to the method signature to handle the new exception that can be thrown.No code changes needed.

  •  page 399: bottom of page, last paragraph

  • The interface names Closeable and AutoCloseable were interchanged with each other. Only the close method in the Closeable interface is required to be idempotent. See the javadoc of AutoCloseable for more information.

    - For classes that implement AutoCloseable, the implementation is required to be idempotent.
    - For classes that implement Closeable, there is no such guarantee.

    Should be:
    - For classes that implement Closeable, the implementation is required to be idempotent.
    - For classes that implement AutoCloseable, there is no such guarantee.

  •  page 400: Table 7-5, last row

  • Same issue as on page 399.

    Must be idempotent (can call more than once without side effects)YesNo, but encouraged

    Should be:
    Must be idempotent (can call more than once without side effects)No, but encouragedYes

  •  page 405: Two Minute Drill, Autoclosable Resources with a try-with-resources statement, 3rd bullet point

  • Same issue as on page 399.

    Currently: AutoCloseable 's close() method throws Exception and must be idempotent. Closeable 's close() throws IOException and is not required to be idempotent.

    Should be: AutoCloseable 's close() method throws Exception and is not required to be idempotent. Closeable 's close() throws IOException and must be idempotent.

  •  page 410-411: Self Test, Question 8

  • The answers D and E are the same. Probably E should have the same order for letters glf as answers A and C. This change doesn't have any effect on the correct answer.

    E. t2lgf

    Should be:
    E. t2glf

  • page 412-413: Self Test, Question 11

  • Some possible answers include "RuntimeException c" although the example code only contains "RuntimeException a". These answers will never be correct, but might be added to deceive/confuse the reader. Although it's more likely these are just some copy/paste leftovers from question 10 (and thus could/should be removed).

    Chapter 8

  • page 421: Table 8-1, 3rd use case

  • The 1st step of this use case has some incorrect syntax to create a Locale instance (probably a copy-edit error).

    Locale loc = Locale(language, country);new

    Should be:
    Locale loc = new Locale(language, country);

  •  page 429: The NumberFormat class, code snippet

  • A (minor) slip-up in a code comment.

    Locale locFR = new Locale("fr"); // France

    Should be:
    Locale locFR = new Locale("fr"); // French

  • page 443: Locating Data via Pattern Matching, 2nd sentence

  • A minor typo in the class name.

    Currently: we've been using: java.util.regex.Pattarn and

    Should be: we've been using: java.util.regex.Pattern and

  • page 458: top of page, code snippet (just beneath 1st paragraph)

  • The code snippet uses a non-existing reference variable (args[0]).

    Locale locale = new Locale(args[0], "CA");

    Should be:
    Locale locale = new Locale("en", "CA");

  •  page 466: Self Test, Question 2

  • The Locale instance should have been created using the constructor with 2 parameters: language and country (instead of using the 1 parameter version using language_country).

    ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Flag", new Locale("en_CA"));

    Should be:
    ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Flag", new Locale("en", "CA"));

  •  page 467: Self Test, Question 3

  • On a Unix/Linux machine the string "^23 *$76 bc" is actually translated into the string "^23 *6 bc" before it is passed to the program ("$7" is taken to be a variable without a value assigned to it). On a Windows machine the string is used as-is, resulting in different outputs (and none of the answers will be correct). The string "^23 *6 bc" should be used in answers A until D (inclusive).

    A. java Quetico "\b" "^23 *$76 bc"
    B. java Quetico "\B" "^23 *$76 bc"
    C. java Quetico "\S" "^23 *$76 bc"
    D. java Quetico "\W" "^23 *$76 bc"

    Should be:
    A. java Quetico "\b" "^23 *6 bc"
    B. java Quetico "\B" "^23 *6 bc"
    C. java Quetico "\S" "^23 *6 bc"
    D. java Quetico "\W" "^23 *6 bc"

  •  page 470: Self Test, Question 7

  • The provided code will actually put two spaces between the 0 and the 9. So, none of the answers are correct. One of the spaces in 1st print-statement should be removed (or replaced with an empty string).

    System.out.print(sb.length() + " " + sb + " ");

    Should be:
    System.out.print(sb.length() + "" + sb + " ");

  •  page 472: Self Test, Question 11

  • To have exactly the same output as in the possible answer, the 1st occurence of the println statement should be a print statement instead.

    System.out.println(nf.format(d) + " ");

    Should be:
    System.out.print(nf.format(d) + " ");

  •  page 475: Self Test Answers, Question 7

  • According to the javadoc of StringBuilder the insert method will throw an exception if the offset is greater than the length (and not the capacity) of the sequence.

    Currently: Note: Invoking insert() past the current capacity will cause an exception to be thrown.

    Should be: Note: Invoking insert() past the current length will cause an exception to be thrown.

    Chapter 9

  •  page 483: Using FileWriter and FileReader, class Writer2

  • The read method of FileReader returns the number of characters (not bytes) read.

    System.out.print(size + " "); // how many bytes read

    Should be:
    System.out.print(size + " "); // how many characters read

  •  page 494: Figure (just above Exam Watch)

  • The Files class uses Path objects, not the Paths class.

    Currently: An arrow from Files to Paths (with label uses)

    Should be: An arrow from Files to Path (with label uses)

  •  page 497: Creating Files and Directories, 1st sentence in 1st paragraph

  • A minor mark-up error.

    Currently: With I/O, we saw that a File doesn't exist just because you have a File object.

    Should be: With I/O, we saw that a file doesn't exist just because you have a File object.

  •  page 498: Creating, Moving and Deleting Files, 1st and 2nd code blocks

  • The file name used for source should be clearer.

    Path source = Paths.get("/temp/test1");

    Should be:
    Path source = Paths.get("/temp/test1.txt");

  •  page 504: top of page, first paragraph, last two sentences

  • A Path doesn't know whether it's a file or a directory; on Unix/Linux and Windows Model.pdf could be a directory and dir could be a file. So the output of the resolve() call isn't nonsense, but the expected output based on the input.

    Currently: The sixth one tries to resolve a directory within the context of a file. Since that doesn't make any sense, Java just tries its best and gives you nonsense

    Should be: The output of the sixth one looks a little bit weird, but Java does the only right thing to do here. For all it knows the Path referred to by Model.pdf may be a directory and the Path referred to by dir may be a file!

  •  page 508: Table 9-6, header

  • A minor slip-up in the 3rd (last) column.

    DescriptionI/O ApproachApproach

    Should be:
    DescriptionI/O ApproachNIO.2 Approach

  •  page 510: 2th sentence in 1st paragraph

  • A minor typo: the FileTime class (in package java.nio.file.attribute) is with upper case F and T.

    Currently: and only pass Filetimes

    Should be: and only pass FileTimes

  •  page 511: Working with DosFileAttributes, last paragraph

  • When you use the setAttribute method in the Files class with an unknown attribute name (like "dos:readOnly") an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown (as mentioned in the javadoc of Files.setAttribute). Important to know: the attribute names are case-sensitive!

    Currently: If you forget and use the String "readOnly," Java will silently ignore the statement and the file will still allow anyone to write to it.

    Should be: If you forget and use the String "readOnly," Java will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

  •  page 515: code snippet of class RemoveClassFiles

  • According to the javadoc of Path.endsWith(String) the method works exactly the same as Path.endsWith(Path). Therefore you'll need to invoke Path.toString() first in order to get the described behaviour.

    if (file.getFileName().endsWith(".class"))

    Should be:
    if (file.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".class"))

  •  page 518: top of page, 2nd sentence in 1st paragraph

  • In the preceding code (page 517, middle of page) the enum constant FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE is used (and not FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS).

    Currently: Now what do you think would happen if we changed FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS to FileVisitResult.TERMINATE?

    Should be: Now what do you think would happen if we changed FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE to FileVisitResult.TERMINATE?

  •  page 521: middle of page, code snippet (with 4 Paths and 1 glob)

  • A note should be added to this code snippet: the Paths with an asterisk (path1, path2, and path4) will throw an InvalidPathException when executed on a Windows machine, because the asterisk is not a valid character for files and/or directories. The four Path objects will be successfully created on a Unix/Linux machine.

  •  page 524: bottom of page, 1st sentence of note (last paragraph)

  • A minor typo in the class name.

    Currently: can be found in the StandardWatchEventsKinds class

    Should be: can be found in the StandardWatchEventKinds class

  •  page 532: Self Test, Question 4

  • When fred is entered as username, line 8 will print hello fred. But that line is not included in any of the answers. So line 8 must be removed to match the possible answers with the code (and all lines of code starting with 9 should be renumbered).

    7. String u = c.readLine("%s", "username: ");
    8. System.out.println("hello " + u);
    9. String pw;

    Should be:
    7. String u = c.readLine("%s", "username: ");
    8. String pw;

  •  page 539: Self Test Answers, Question 8

  • There is a difference between copying and moving a nonempty directory which isn't reflected in the current explanation.

    Currently: E is correct because a directory containing files or subdirectories is copied or moved in its entirety.

    Should be: "E is correct because a directory containing files or subdirectories is moved in its entirety. When a nonempty directory is copied, an empty directory is created in the target location (entries in the directory are not copied).

    Chapter 10

  •  page 552: middle of page, paragraph "If getInstance() weren't public"

  • If getInstance() weren't public, the method would have no access modifier and be package-private. A package-private static method can be invoked by every instance and class method in the same package.

    Currently: because only static[i] methods of the class Show[/i] would be able to use the singleton.

    Should be: because only methods in the same package would be able to use the singleton.

  •  page 561: middle of page, 1st sentence after diagram

  • A minor issue. This sentence is worded incorrectly as BookDao is actually an interface (and not an abstract class).

    Currently: To review, Student only interacts with the two abstract classes Factory and BookDao.

    Should be: To review, Student only interacts with the abstract class Factory and the interface BookDao.

  •  page 567: Self Test, Question 3

  • One of the requirements of the singleton design pattern is a private constructor. So in order for answer F to be correct a private constructor must be added to the F class.

    private static final F f = new F();

    Should be:
    private static final F f = new F();
    private F() {}

  • page 571: Self Test Answers, Question 5

  • A wrong choice of words: a class extends (not implements) another class.

    Currently: Not shown is a class implementing class G that actually creates the object.

    Should be: Not shown is a class extending class G that actually creates the object.

    Chapter 11

  • page 581: Overriding hashCode(), 5th line from the bottom

  • The word legal means that it is valid Java code (which will not cause a compiler error). So an appropriate or correct implementation should of course be legal.

    Currently: This does not mean legal and does not even mean efficient.

    Should be: This does mean legal, but does not mean efficient.

  • page 590: Figure 11-2 (only in electronic version of the book)

  • A minor typo (a wrong figure id)

    Currently: FIGURE 7-2 The interface and class hierarchy for collections

    Should be: FIGURE 11-2 The interface and class hierarchy for collections

  • page 611: bottom of page, last bullet point

  • A minor typo (a wrong argument index)

    Currently: using the same Comparator, which is passed as the second argument to the binarySearch() method.

    Should be: using the same Comparator, which is passed as the third argument to the binarySearch() method.

  • page 618: middle of page, output of class MapTest

  • The hashCode() method of class Dog is overridden and returns name.length(). So when a Dog instance with name "aiko" is printed, the toString() method returns Dog@4 (and not Dog@1c).

    CAT key

    Should be:
    CAT key

  •  page 678: Self Test Answers, Question 1

  • In the explanation the answers A and B are interchanged.

    - A is correct.
    - B is incorrect because List is an interface,...

    Should be:
    - B is correct.
    - A is incorrect because List is an interface,...

    Chapter 12

  •  page 688: top of page, 1st bullet point

  • In static method code within the outer class the inner class name name does not have to include the outer class's name. The code snippet in this post uses only the inner class name and compiles successfully.

    Currently: From outside the outer class instance code (including static method code within the outer class), the inner class name must now include the outer class's name

    Should be: From outside the outer class instance code, the inner class name must now include the outer class's name

  •  page 711: Self Test Answers, Question 6

  • A minor issue. This sentence is worded incorrectly as an object is referenced by a variable.

    Currently: The variable referenced by f is an instance

    Should be: The object referenced by the variable f is an instance

    Chapter 13

  •  page 728: top of page, java.lang.Thread header

  • A word is missing in the header of the java.lang.Thread Class (just beneath Exam Watch).

    Currently: from the java.lang.Thread Class

    Should be: Methods from the java.lang.Thread Class

  •  page 766: Two Minute Drill, Transitioning Between Thread States, 8th bullet point

  • A thread can never go directly from the waiting state to the running state. The 2nd sentence (and certainly the part in between parentheses) is hard to understand in the correct context, certainly for non-native English speakers. So it should definitely be adjusted and rephrased.

    Currently: It will go directly from waiting to running (well, for all practical purposes anyway).

    Should be: It will go directly from waiting to runnable (well, for all practical purposes anyway).

    Chapter 14

  •  page 785: Certification Objectives, 2nd bullet point

  • A minor typo in the package name.

    Currently: in the java.util.cuncurrent.locks Package

    Should be: in the java.util.concurrent.locks Package

  •  page 804-805: code snippet about LinkedTransferQueue

  • A LinkedTransferQueue is unbounded, so methods will never block, return false or throw an IllegalStateException.

    Currently: boolean b1 = tq.add(1); // returns true if added or throws
    // IllegalStateException if full
    tq.put(2); // blocks if bounded and full
    boolean b3 = tq.offer(3); // returns true if added or false
    // if bounded and full
    // recommended over add
    boolean b4 =
    tq.offer(4, 10, MILLISECONDS); // returns true if added
    // within the given time
    // false if bound and full

    Should be: boolean b1 = tq.add(1); // always returns true
    tq.put(2); // will never block
    boolean b3 = tq.offer(3); // always returns true
    // recommended over add
    boolean b4 =
    tq.offer(4, 10, MILLISECONDS); // always returns true and
    // will never block

  •  page 810: middle of page (code snippet just beneath NewThreadExecutor)

  • A minor typo in the method name.


    Should be:

  •  page 818: top of page, 1st sentence

  • The compute() method is not defined in the ForkJoinTask class.

    Currently: but the following methods are important: compute(), fork(), and join().

    Should be: but the following methods are important: fork() and join(). From the ForkJoinTask subclasses RecursiveTask and RecursiveAction you only have to know the compute() method.

  •  page 832: Self Test, Question 2

  • When you invoke the remove method of the List interface with an int parameter, the remove(int index) is executed (and not remove(Object o)). Therefore number 6 would be removed (and not number 2 as stated in the explanation). If remove(Object o) is executed (instead of remove(int index)), the explanation is spot-on. (note: it doesn't affect the correct answer)


    Should be:

  •  page 834: Self Test, Question 8

  • The getHighScores method returns a read-only view of highScores that is intended to be guarded by the lock. But the provided code is not thread safe: the caller may read from the list while another thread is running the addScore method; for example in the middle of sorting it. Although it doesn't matter for answering the question correctly, it's better to improve the code and make it thread safe by returning an unmodifiable snapshot of highScores.

    return Collections.unmodifiableList(highScores);

    Should be:
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(highScores));

    Chapter 15

  •  page 842: Starting Out: Introduction to Databases and JDBC

  • Although the main JDBC interfaces define a contract, it seems that not all versions of every vendor's JDBC implementation seems to be fully compliant with the contract (examples: here, here and here). So a note should be added somewhere in this (introductory) section to make readers aware of these inconsistencies (so they are not surprised/confused when executing code snippets).

  •  page 850: middle of page

  • An obvious copy-edit mistake. The figure shown is exactly the same figure as on page 494 in chapter 9. It should be the Books_by_Author table with sample data (and 2 notes). So the following table (and 2 notes) should replace the figure about I/O and NIO.

    Bob's Books Books_by_Author Join Table Sample Data

    - Notice that AuthorID has duplicate entries - it's not the primary key. Instead, it represents that the author with this id has written these two books.
    - Notice that the last two rows have the same ISBN but different AuthorID values - this represents a book with two authors.

  •  page 871: top of page, last sentence in 1st paragraph

  • A minor typo (a wrong table reference).

    Currently: the ResultSet methods shown in Table 15-7.

    Should be: the ResultSet methods shown in Table 15-8.

  •  page 872: top of page, code snippet

  • A minor typo (a wrong column name in query statement). Not a mistake, but for consistency: from should be uppercase.

    String query = "SELECT Title, PubDate, UnitPrice from Book";

    Should be:
    String query = "SELECT Title, PubDate, Price FROM Book";

  •  page 874: code snippet in the getTime-method parapraph

  • A copy/paste mistake (a wrong method name).

    java.sql.Time time = rs.getString("FinishTime");

    Should be:
    java.sql.Time time = rs.getTime("FinishTime");

  •  page 881: middle of page, TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE parapraph

  • A minor typo (another verb would be more appropriate).

    Currently: A cursor can be changed in the results

    Should be: A cursor can be moved in the results

  •  page 886: Figure 15-6

  • The invocations are wrongly numbered. The correct order should be 1, 3, and 2.

    1. rs.absolute(2);
    2. rs.relative(-3);
    3. rs.relative(5);

    Should be:
    1. rs.absolute(2);
    3. rs.relative(-3);
    2. rs.relative(5);

  •  page 892: paragraph "public void deleteRow() throws SQLException"

  • A logic mismatch about the capability of a ResultSet to detect deletions.

    Currently: When a ResultSet can detect deletions, the deleted row is removed from the ResultSet. When the ResultSet cannot detect deletions

    Should be: When a ResultSet cannot detect deletions, the deleted row is removed from the ResultSet. When the ResultSet can detect deletions

  •  page 893: Figure 15-7

  • The correct method name to delete a row in a ResultSet is deleteRow() (not delete()).

    - in the caption of the figure: A ResultSet after delete() is called
    - in the code snippet:

    Should be:
    - in the caption of the figure: A ResultSet after deleteRow() is called
    - in the code snippet:

  • page 901: paragraph "public String getMessage()"

  • The getMessage() and the toString() methods of class Exception are not overridden in SQLException, so both will print the same error message. How detailed this message is, is vendor dependent.

    Currently: But this method returns the detailed reason why the exception was thrown. Note that this is not the same message that is returned from the toString() method, i.e., the method called when you put the exception object instance into a System.out.println method. Often, the message content SQLState and error code provide specific information about what went wrong.

    Should be: This method returns the detailed reason why the exception was thrown. Often, the message content SQLState and error code provide specific information about what went wrong.

  • page 905: bottom of page, last paragraph

  • An interface extends (or inherits from) another interface, it doesn't implement an interface.

    Currently: so that Connection, Statement, and ResultSet all implement the AutoCloseable interface

    Should be: so that Connection, Statement, and ResultSet all extend the AutoCloseable interface

  • page 914: bottom of page, last code snippet

  • A minor typo (another class name would be more appropriate).

    RowSetProvider.newFactory("com.example.MyRowSetProvider", null);

    Should be:
    RowSetProvider.newFactory("com.example.MyRowSetFactory", null);

  •  page 919: Disconnected RowSets: CachedRowSet

  • A wrong (non-existing) class name is used.

    Currently: To initially load a CachedResultSet

    Should be: To initially load a CachedRowSet

  •  page 923: top of page, just beneath code snippet

  • A transaction includes all SQL statements, not only queries.

    Currently: A transaction includes all of the SQL queries you execute

    Should be: A transaction includes all of the SQL statements you execute

  •  page 927: top of page, code snippet

  • Savepoint sp1 is not in scope when it is used to rollback a transaction (in the catch block of the second try block). It should be declared before the first try block (instead of inside this block).

    try {
    result1 = stmt.executeUpdate(query1);
    result2 = stmt.executeUpdate(query2);
    Savepoint sp1 = null;

    Should be:
    Savepoint sp1 = null;
    try {
    result1 = stmt.executeUpdate(query1);
    result2 = stmt.executeUpdate(query2);

  •  page 929: penultimate sentence in penultimate paragraph

  • A wrong method name is used: a Statement is created using the createStatement (not createConnection) method.

    Currently: the Connection object (the Connection.createConnection(int, int) method creates a Statement object)

    Should be: the Connection object (the Connection.createStatement(int, int) method creates a Statement object)

  •  page 929: 3rd sentence in last paragraph

  • A wrong class name is used: a ResultSet is created using a Statement (not a ResultSet).

    Currently: when a Statement is closed, any ResultSet created using that ResultSet is also closed

    Should be: when a Statement is closed, any ResultSet created using that Statement is also closed

  •  page 940: Self Test, Question 10

  • Answer D uses a wrong variable name in its code.

    numbBooks = rs.getInt(1);

    Should be:
    numBooksRemoved = rs.getInt(1);

  •  page 940: Self Test, Question 11

  • Answer D uses a wrong method name in its code.

    RowSet rws = rsf.createRowSet();

    Should be:
    RowSet rws = rsf.createJdbcRowSet();

    OCA Mock Exams on CD (question numbers when not in randomized mode)

  •  objective 8.0: Question 9 (about exceptions thrown by developers)

  • The exceptions of the correct answers are runtime exceptions (not checked exceptions).

    Currently: B, C, and D are (correct), examples of checked exceptions.

    Should be: B, C, and D are (correct), examples of runtime exceptions thrown by an application developer or an API developer.

    OCP Mock Exams on CD (question numbers when not in randomized mode)

  •  objective 1.0: Question 2 (class BioDiesel)

  • The explanation is mainly explaining why line #2 is correct, not why line #1 results in a compiler error.

    Currently: Only instance methods can be overridden, and calls to super only apply to overridden methods.

    Should be: Only instance methods can be overridden, and calls to super only apply to overridden methods. So super can only be used in an instance context, not in a static context.

  •  objective 1.0: Question 4 (class Putter)

  • The question asks to select the statements which will NOT compile, but the correct answers are the statements which will compile successfully. So NOT should be removed from the question (or the correct answers should be changed to A and E).

    Currently: Which, inserted at // insert code, will NOT compile?

    Should be: Which, inserted at // insert code, will compile?

  •  objective 3.0: Question 3 (about IS-A relationships)

  • An IS-A relationship can also occur between at least two interfaces or a class and an interface or an enum and an interface.

    C. IS-A relationships always require at least two class types

    Should be:
    C. IS-A relationships always require at least two types

  •  objective 3.0: Question 4 (about HAS-A relationships)

  • An HAS-A relationship can also rely on class variables. (Confirmed in the explanation of question 11 of this objective)

    B. HAS-A relationships always rely on instance variables

    Should be:
    B. HAS-A relationships always rely on class or instance variables

  •  objective 6.0: Question 6 (about assertions)

  • The explanation about answer E is incorrect. Explicitly throwing an AssertionError is sometimes an acceptable alternative. Another alternative can be found in this post.

    Currently: throwing an AssertionError explicitly is considered bad practice

    Should be: throwing an AssertionError explicitly is considered to be sometimes an acceptable alternative (e.g. a switch statement with no default case)

  •  objective 6.0: Question 10 (class S)

  • The explanation is spot-on, but there's a slip-up in the correct answers. C and D are the correct answers.

    - B and D are correct.
    - A, C, E, and F are incorrect because of the above.

    Should be:
    - C and D are correct.
    - A, B, E, and F are incorrect because of the above.

    The end!

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