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Code Ranch Release Notes 2013
posted 9 years ago
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Released on 12/28/2013:
Jaikiran and Jeanne - fixed Purple Mooseages text color to go with new purple
Jeanne - preparations for post flags (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - possibility to flag one's own post (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - add view of top flagged posts (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - update number of flags on post when flags are added/removed (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - add beta view for recent topics and top flagged threads (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - temporarily hide flags in navigation menu (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - support pagination and fix images in beta view for recent topics page
Jeanne - fix error preventing the display of top flagged threads view (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - hide inacccessible topics from top flagged threads view (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Released on 12/25/2013:
Bear - modify Purple Mooseages pages to use less glaring shades of purple
Andrew - add number of thumb ups given by a user on the user profile page
Andrew - administration features
Ulf - fixed banner links broken on and Friki
Jeanne - preparations for the Rattlesnake pit - selective write access to forums (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - preparations for the Rattlesnake pit (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - fix wrong admin icon in mobile view
Jeanne - preparations for post flags (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Released on 11/30/2013:
Andrew -
Pterodactyle Hatchery
Ulf - fix the broken Apache Commons javadoc URLs (the entire Commons site has been reorganized)
Ulf - caching/SQL optimizations
Jeanne - fix a bug that temporarily prevented granting cows to users
Jeanne - fix a CSRF error when acivating watch in mobile view
Jeanne - display cows awarded to posts for nonlogged-in users
Jaikiran - fix handling of mismatched number of opening and closing quote blocks in beta view
Jaikiran (and Tony) - better buttons for the topic actions toolbar at the bottom of the
in beta view
Released on 11/16/2013:
Andrew - administration features
Jeanne - yet another bug fix in Purple Mooseages sent from staff
Jeanne - preparations for the Rattlesnake pit (Jumpin JForum Day feature)
Jeanne - last 30 days statistics in the
Jeanne - add number thumb ups and cows from last 30 days to user profile page
Ulf - finetune the display of cows to Ranchers
Released on 10/20/2013:
Jeanne - make unread Purple Mooseages icons larger
Jeanne - bug fix in Purple Mooseages sent from staff
Jaikiran - rename some references of 'private messages' to 'purple mooseages'
Jeanne -
Proximity Validator
Jeanne - clarify the message that appears when the Report post prompt is cancelled
Jaikiran - add support for showing
count on
coderanch badges
Jaikiran - send mail notification when a post gets rewarded a cow or an apple
Jeanne - make cow/apple mail notification configurable in user profile
Jaikiran - remove the "Copy to clipboard" feature link from the syntax highlighter
Jeanne - support for
Probation posts
Jeanne (and Bear) - moderation support for
Probation posts
Jeanne - add description for some of the moderation options
Jeanne - fix CSRF error on mobile links
Jaikiran - lots of updates for the new look&feel (the new view is available to moderators only in this version)
Jaikiran - update the "Similar threads" section whenever the first post of a thread or the subject of the thread is updated
Jaikiran - fix some sitemap generation issues
Jaikiran - remove inconsistent max-length attribute values for passwords across various screen
Jeanne - adjust the appearance of the Purple Moosages sent from staff
Jaikiran - fix some issues on coderanch
Jaikiran (with help from Ulf) - remove some code related to auto-link ads
Jaikiran - improve handling of scheduled JForum jobs to make them more reliable
Jaikiran - change the sizes of thumbnails generated for attached images
Jaikiran - skip real words checking in posts/purple mooseages composed by moderators
Jaikiran - change any remaining references of 'private messages' to 'purple mooseages'
Released on 9/14/2013:
Jaikiran -
Control Room Teleporter
Jaikiran - captcha no longer needed on user profile edit page
Jeanne - implemented Purple Mooseages sent from staff
Jeanne - book promo Purple Mooseages do not display sender name
Ulf - small additions to the Java-monitor API
Andrew - fixed issue with (not) sending notification emails to certain users
Ulf - work around non-standard Android browser behavior that causes CSRFGuard to trigger incorrectly
Jeanne - change 'private message' to 'purple mooseage' in alt attributes
Jeanne - spam control measure
Jeanne - fix subject for PM to promo winners for MEAPs
Jeanne - add ability to grant likes and cows via mobile view
Released on 8/30/2013:
Andrew and Jeanne - Purple Mooseages
Jaikiran -
Quantum Disentangler
Ulf - update and unify jQuery versions
Released on 8/9/2013:
Jaikiran - clarified the message in the "Report post to moderator" promt
Ulf - updated a bunch of javadoc URLs, particularly adding
Jeanne - preparations for creating a forum for privileged users
Jeanne - fixed a bug in preventing PM spam by new users
Jeanne - fixed a bug in displaying sticky topics in forum listings
Jeanne -
Holodeck plug
Jeanne - added padding to the right hand side of posts
Jaikiran - improvement in detection of uploaded image types
Jaikiran - automatic self-destructing moderation message after a thread-split
Jaikiran - additional CSRF error fix
Jaikiran - expanded the "Similar Threads" area
Ulf - fixed bug that prevented using Quick Reply for certain topics
Jaikiran - auto-rotate uploaded image before creating a thumbnail
Jeanne - fixed infinite redirects bug
Released on 6/15/2013:
Note: some changes in this release were hot-patched into production before the release date.
Jeanne - fixed display of trailboss cow count
Ulf - fixed bugs in Porter stemming in search algorithm
Christophe - a separate icon displayed for every cow granted on a single post
Ulf - fixed an issue while searching using a member's last name
Jeanne -
Subspace broadcasting unjammer
Ranga - prevent PM spam by new users
Jaikiran - new bulkmailer integrated in JForum
Jaikiran - bulkmailer improvements
Released on 6/3/2013:
Jaikiran - SMTP configuration changes
Jeanne -
More communicator circuit rectification
Released on 6/1/2013:
Jeanne - fixed small concurrency issue
Jeanne -
Communicator circuit rectification
Released on 5/31/2013:
Jeanne -
Navicomp display update
EFH - support for https in youtube links
EFH - enable PHP syntax highlighting
Jeanne - link to user profiles from user posts for logged out users
Jeanne -
Subspace broadcasting jammer
Jeanne - tool for quick deletion of all posts by a user (spammer)
Andrew - improvements to generation of the sitemap.xml file
Jeanne - add 'Select all' checkbox to 'My Bookmarks and Watches page (
as requested by a user
Jeanne - displaying a message indicating only a subject (not post content) was edited by a moderator
Released on 5/12/2013:
Christophe - show cows per post (final version)
Ulf - use Porter stemming during Lucene analysis for better results
Ulf -
Intercom noise suppression
Jaikiran - fixed bug preventing post deletion
Ulf - prevent a couple of JavaScript errors, one harmless, one harmful
Jaikiran - fixed CSRF related error in displaying the
Andrew - fixed typo in the sitemap generator
Jeanne - fixed broken category link in
Jeanne - fixed a small issue concerning special characters in the
pick winners
Jeanne - fixed error displaying forums with no messages
Released on 4/6/2013:
Jeanne - fixed two mode CSRF issues
Jeanne - fixed bug causing forums to show
No messages
after a thread split
Released on 3/24/2013:
Christophe - allow more cows per post
Jeanne -
Mist Of War Goggles
Released on 3/23/2013:
Jeanne - browser independent CSRF implementation, CSRF turned on again for all users
Jeanne - 'cow' to 'apple' customization for
Christophe - grantable cows limits configurable
Bear - changed apples icons to smaller ones (permies)
Jeanne -
Mist Of War
Released on 3/16/2013:
Jeanne - various CSRF protection changes
Christophe - negative cows/apples not shown
Christophe - limit number of grantable cows per day depending on user ranking
Christophe - show cows per post (beta version showing a small message at the bottom of the post)
Christophe - fixed bug when removing a cow
Jaikiran - fixed unnecessary redirect to old style URLs when posting reply or creating new topic
Jaikiran - fixed handling of fragment ids in URL redirection for CSRF handling
Jaikiran - don't add CSRF token to redirect URLs when not needed
Christophe - implemented setting for managing cows-related permissions
Jeanne - removed unused code while doing code review of links for CSRF
Andrew - removed social media buttons from forum main page and topic pages
Jeanne - improvements for thread linking in mobile view
Christophe - improving site icons
Jeanne - better (case-insensitive) support for HTML tables in posts
Jeanne - preparations for April Fools day
Released on 2/9/2013:
Note: some changes in this release were hot-patched into production before the release date.
Jeanne - various CSRF protection changes
Jaikiran - fixed holiday moose admin page to make it functional with the CSRF changes
Jaikiran - fixed thumbs up/down on posts of Fix liking/unliking posts broken by the CSRF changes
Jaikiran -
Steam powered printing press
broken by the CSRF changes fixed
Jaikiran - stopped adding CSRF token to external site links
Jaikiran - fixed adding CSRF Token to URLs containing fragment id (#)
Jaikiran - correctly generate CSRF token for new sessions
Jaikiran - fixed post split functionality broken by the CSRF changes.
Christophe - allow JForum developers to override the default Locale (fixing formatting problems in non-English environments)
Christophe - fixed date sorting in cows listing
Jaikiran - stopped adding CSRF tokens to safe actions
Released on 1/27/2013:
Jeanne - changed the PM subject to avoid the messages being classified as spam
Jeanne - initial version of the protection agains CSRF attacks
Jaikiran - allow only moderators to see the beta view switch message
Jeanne - CSRF tokens not applied to nonlogged users
Jeanne - all actions protected from CSRF attacks
Released on 1/21/2013:
Jeanne - removed Knowledge Black Belt integration in the anticipation of the site being closed down
Jeanne - fixed the display of profiles of users that do not have any cow
Jeanne - changed 'thumbs' to 'thumbs up' in the
Jeanne - allow ranchers to see where their cows came from
Jaikiran - add ability to view and manage attachments in mobile view
Jeanne - deactivated critical code that might be vulnerable to CSRF attacks
Released on 1/5/2013:
Jeanne - fix apples vs cows verbiage for the
permies forum
Jeanne - fix display of number of cows in Firefox 17
Jeanne - keep user on same page after granting cows
Jeanne - changes to the cows
, including renaming 'likes' to 'thumbs up'
Jeanne - pick winners minor bug fix
Jaikiran - numerous changes in the new site design (the beta view):
use 'Home' and 'Forums' on buttons instead of '
' and '
make the button clickable and not just the text inside them.
add support for displaying auto-linked content using its specific css
show a visible informational message on the topic view page, if the topic is locked
fix a bug in header template where certain element values including meta tags were not properly escaping html content
reduce the font display size of the post author information
minor change to bumper sticker message (removed bold font)
fix blackbeltfactory rendering on topic pages
fix an NPE reported in coderanch logs for requests triggered for RSS action
Released on 1/1/2013:
Jaikiran - word-wrapping long lines in code tags (prevents long lines in code tags to widen the page layout)
Jeanne - fixed an XSS issue in BlackBelt user names
Jeanne - a Jumpin JForum Day 2013 feature -
Jeanne - add
for cows
Jeanne - bandwidth saving (removed pointer to an empty stylesheet in header)
Jeanne - renamed "private messages" to "
private mooseages
Jeanne - fix: locked threads didn't display view count
Jaikiran -
new look and feel for topic view, including ability for users to opt-in for this beta view
Ulf - removed a broken option in Lucene index rebuild
Current release notes
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