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Code Ranch Release Notes 2012
posted 9 years ago
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Optional 'thank-you' note:
Released on 12/22/2012:
Jeanne - preparation for the Jumpin JForum Day feature
Jeanne - moved "likes" and other logic to external file to save bandwidth
Jeanne - preparation for a new look and feel implementation
Jeanne - fixed performance issues in forum list rendering that were causing technical difficulties
Jaikiran - disabled multi-forum support in RSS feeds for a forum
Jaikiran - fixed performance issues in Lucene reindexing process (those contributed to search facility being uavailable for a few days)
Released on 12/14/2012:
Andrew - resolved a conflict in fixes for incorrect counting of posts per forum
Jaikiran - fixed other leaking database resources
Jaikiran - fixed a NPE which was being reported in the logs of coderanch server
Released on 12/9/2012:
Andrew - fixed incorrect counting of posts per forum
Andrew - fixed leaking database resources
Andrew - code cleanup in a DAO class
Released on 12/7/2012:
Jeanne - fixed a bug in Holiday Moose administration
Released on 12/1/2012:
Jeanne - "threads others viewed" renamed to "similar threads"
Jeanne - fixed bug in holiday moose management code
Jeanne - fixed post count displayed on forums page
Jeanne - pick winners adjusted to accomodate new multiple forums per
Jeanne -
Ranch Dairy Council
Ranga - enforced a limit on the length of lines inside code tags to prevent broken layouts
Released on 11/18/2012:
Andrew - fixed bug related to entity manager
Andrew - fixed yet another bug related to entity manager
Andrew - improvements to multiple forum per threads management
Andrew - fixed bug in thread duplication code related to multiple forum per threads extension
Released on 11/17/2012:
Andrew - added functionality to include one thread in multiple forums (only moderators can assign threads to multiple forums as of now)
Jaikiran - fixed the topic icon display where already read topics were being shown as unread upon session timeout
Jaikiran - fixed "Quick Reply" broken in last release (hot-patched in production earlier)
Jaikiran - fixed code to accomodate old-style URLs so that it no longer creates /forums/forums in URLs
Jaikiran - added a link to the naming policy page on the name change request form
Jaikiran - stopped forum software from shortening the display of lenghty URLs
EFH - banner statistics upgrade
Jeanne - removed insecure contents (the moose) on login page to avoid "this page has insecure content" warnings
Jeanne - fixed bug related to announcement management and display
Jeanne - fixed null pointer exception occuring after sponsored link was deleted
Ranga - expanded list of words that are not used in thread URLs
Ranga - SEO improvement on main forum page
Ranga - SEO improvement on individual forum pages
Jeanne - fixed a bug related to non-mobile view on certain types of Blackberry
Jeanne - removed extra line breaks that were added when using HTML code to incorporate tables in posts
Released on 9/23/2012:
Jeanne - don't include request for mailing address in messages to promo winners when the prize is not to be sent by mail
Jeanne - pick winners list shows more information from the profile of selected users
Jeanne - pick winners list shows how many times the user has won recently
Jeanne - fix job that deletes old user sessions to not throw stale data exceptions
Jeanne - subject not checked for disallowed words when replying to an existing thread
EFH - more detailed targetting of banners based on regions
Bear, EFH, Jeanne - update OP icon to be smaller, clearer and have a title
Andrew - tracking sending reactivation emails in logs
Ranga - too vague subjects disallowed when creating a topic
Ranga - prevent creation of empty posts (server-side validation)
Andrew - some refactoring in DAO layer
Andrew - more information in exception messages in log files
Released on 9/16/2012:
Jeanne - removed references to (unused) original "blocked forum" JForum icon
Jeanne - fixed bug that prevented deleting private messages in mobile view
Jeanne - the "OP" (original poster) icon next to the rancher name marks the person whih started the thread being viewed
Jeanne - more
to JPA migration
EFH - banner editing using JQueryUI dialog
Tricorder spatial module lookup caching
Ranga - prevent creation of empty posts
Jaikiran - fixed a potential NPE while preparing a post for display
Jaikiran - fixed a potential NPE while viewing/downloading attachments
Andrew - allow per-site configuration of the email address we ask users to send error reports to
Jeanne - allow pls and other censored words in URLs
Jeanne - ignore trailing dot at the end of YouTube url (which otherwise stops the url from working)
Jeanne - removed bug in administration of nofollow links
Jeanne - fixed a memory leak
Released on 8/12/2012:
Jaikiran -
Subspace Radio Noise Filter
Jaikiran - fixed and unified sponsored links administration
Jaikiran - added an explicit message to the account registration and lost password page asking the user to check their spam folder for the emails
Jaikiran - minor changes to attachment handling and displaying:
attachment name and description displayed in the post (if available)
attachments are displayed in the order in which they were uploaded
Ulf -
Tricorder Focus Lens
Jaikiran - notification emails not sent to inactive addresses
Jaikiran -
Proximity Detector
Jaikiran - further adjustment of the email sending process
Ulf - update to Lucene 3.6.1 and related changes
Jeanne -
Forklift Truck
Jeanne - added YouTube button in edit form
Released on 7/16/2012:
Ulf -
Navicomp Subspace Radio
Jeanne - changes to the forum creation procedure
Andrew - prevented certain type of (harmless) JForum exceptions
Andrew -
Phaser Maintenance Logbook
Jaikiran -
Proximity Generator
Andrew - added ability to re-send account activation emails
Andrew -
Proximity Detector
Released on 7/7/2012:
Jeanne - pick winners bug fix (include Monday in search for welcome thread)
Jaikiran - bandwidth optimization: support caching of attachment images in posts.
Jaikiran - improved thread integration with Facebook
Jaikiran -
Fog Of War
Jeanne -
Phaser Recharge
Jeanne -
Project Orion Shock Absorber
Jaikiran -
Most Wanted - Delist
Andrew -
Jaikiran -
Project Orion Logbook
Jeanne - support embedded youtube videos in url tags
Jeanne - load emoticons only if panel expanded
Andrew - minor changes that don't affect application
Jaikiran - removed bug in handling nofollow links
Ulf - category home pages can be viewed even if that category is generally turned off as a user preference
Released on 6/16/2012:
Jeanne - caching
site images for faster response and bandwidth savings
Jaikiran - fixed a bug in handling atttachments without descriptions
Jaikiran - improved Facebook integration of threads with attachments
Jaikiran - fixed a bug which might inflate view counts of some threads
Jaikiran -
Project Orion Ignition Key
Jeanne - merge pick winners code with main jforum code
Released on 6/10/2012:
Ulf - made font of email image smaller for really long addresses
Jeanne -
Set phasers to stunning
Jeanne - don't show Watch Topic link in mobile view
Jeanne - HTML not properly encoded on forum subjects
Jeanne - redirect to normal URL if non-logged in user watches a thread
Jeanne - fix URLs when user left off
Jeanne - show
Information updated
page after successfully editing user profile or name change form
Jaikiran -
Robotic goats
Jaikiran - Various changes to the way attachments are handled and displayed
Jeanne - a first stab at the convert youtube links to embedded videos feature.
Jeanne -
Tricorder spatial module refactoring
Jeanne - caching template images for faster response and bandwidth savings
Released on 5/20/2012:
Jeanne - JDBC to JPA migration
Ulf - add email address image in user profiles
Andrew -
Spatial module for tricorders
Ulf -
Tricorder spatial module upgrade
Ulf -
Improbability drive fixation
Andrew -
Shields phase repolarization
Released on 3/26/2012:
Jeanne - made pages a tiny bit smaller to save bandwidth
Andrew -
Navicomp programming
Ulf -
Tricorder index expansion
Ankit - Fix weird line in bumper stickers
Ulf - Support for Promo coordinator
Ulf - creating watches for topics created when splitting posts
Jeanne - generate more like this for existing threads
Released on 2/25/2012:
Jeanne - made pages a tiny bit smaller to save bandwidth
Jaikiran - Enabled "Report post to moderator" for all logged-in users
Ulf - fixed a couple of search problems
Jeanne - allow login by e-mail
Jeanne -
Superfluid chronometer
Ulf -
Cloaking crystals
Ulf - Fixed look of polls (we haven't run any yet, though)
Ulf -
Communicator circuit etchings
Ulf - Improvements in
server monitoring tools
Jeanne -
Photon torpedo sights setting
Andrew - Change size of embedded YouTube videos from 425x350 to 640x480
Released on 1/14/2012:
Jaikiran - Implement the report to moderator feature
Jaikiran -
Torpedo bay abutment
Andrew -
Helm panel upgrade
Jeanne - fix error starting new thread in mobile view
Current release notes
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Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater
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