T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l - S e p t e m b e r . 2 0 1 7 . E d i t i o n
Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the September edition of the Journal.
W h a t ' s . N e w ?
Well, the Java 9 has just got released, go ahead and give it a try. News is that a new time based release model has been proposed along with a new way of versioning the Java releases based on year and month.Our thread boost algorithm got even smarter, you will find more information on thread boost feature here
I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . P o s t s
Every now and then we get to talk about synchronization in servlet "Java vs C", A debate you will find interesting to read Discussion on basics of multi-dimensional arraysDiscussion on how to design a basic linked list
B l o g . E n t r i e s . F r o m . S t a f f
Jeanne writes about her experience on Maker FaireJeanne blogs on agile scrum "Using Agile Games to improve meetings – the virtual/remote edition"
B o o k . P r o m o t i o n s . & . W i n n e r s
There's a book (or software) promotion just about every week at CodeRanch. Just ask a question in the appropriate forum and you're eligible to win a copy of the book (or license for a software).
Check Book Promotions Schedule
Some upcoming promotions are:
Functional Programming in Java: How functional techniques improve your Java programs by Pierre-Yves Saumont Head First Android Development (2nd Edition) by Dawn & David Griffiths Kotlin in Action by Dmitry Jemerov & Svetlana Isakova Head First Agile by Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene
And a big Congratulations to our past Winners -
B o o k s . A n d . R e v i e w s
We have several forums dedicated to talk about books. Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our
Book Reviews forum
Book Review Grid will give you an overview from another angle.
T h e . M o o s e . o n . S o c i a l
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A b o u t . T h e . E d i t o r
Vijitha Kumara has been a member of CodeRanch since 2008 and a moderator since 2011.
S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
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J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
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