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JavaRanch Project Standards
There are many ways to do things well. And there are at least as many ways to do the same things poorly.
When many developers come together to do one project, there can be long debates on which approach
is "best" or "right". These discussions can, in the long run, take hundreds of man hours to resolve. For larger
organizations, multiple projects will need to integrate - different ideas of "best" can lead to more debate and
serious integration issues.
This document is a feeble attempt to outline one approach to project build issues. Some goals of this document include:
reduce debate time within teams and between teams
provide vocabulary between developers and between teams
smooth integration between components developed by different teams
improve ramp time for new developers and developers that might be shifting between teams/projects
ease the integration of multiple projects into a continuous integration environment
Standard Ant Targets
Provide description attributes for all targets that are intended to be exercised directly by the developer. This makes only
those targets viewable under "ant -p". Many IDE's will take advantage of this also. Do not provide a description for
targets that are not to be exercised directly by the developer.
targetrequired?possible description to be used in the target tagnotes
buildrequiredincremental buildDefault target. Compile production classes and build production artifacts such as jar/war/ear files.
cleanrequireddelete the build dir
dboptionalbuild a fresh databaseTarget exists only if there is a database for the project. All tables are dropped and fresh tables are created.
ffbuildrequiredforce full buildAlways depends on clean and build. Might also depend on "db" and some code generation targets.
testrequiredcompile and run unit testsDoes not depend on build.
vbuildrequiredverified build: compile classes, run unit tests, then finish the incremental buildCode quality can be verified before any jar/war/ear step.
ffvbuildrequiredforce full verified build: clean, compile classes, run unit tests, then finish the ffbuild 
fntestoptionalcompile and run functional testsdoes not depend on test or build
deployoptionala local deploy - to the same boxusually just a convenience for development
Standard Directory Structure
Standard Property Management
1) Have as few properties outside of build.xml as possible!
2) Properties are gathered with the following ant tasks:
(the ability to override "config.filename" in the home directory helps to prevent name collisions)
3) Put all properties in the config directory unless there is a powerfully compelling reason to put them in the home directory.
4) Use "fail unless" tasks for all properties that need to be defined outside of build.xml:
5) Have as few properties outside of build.xml as possible! (yes! This is the same as 1!)
Database Standards
1) Each developer has a database instance on their own development system.
2) For each table and view in the database, there is one .sql file in the src/db directory for creating that table or view.
3) The ant target "db" will drop all tables and views from the database and recreate a fresh instance of the database.
Test Standards
1) "ant vbuild" must successfully run from the command line before checkin.
2) If cruise control is not yet running for the project, "ant ffvbuild fntest" must successfully run from the command line before checkin.