Date | Cover | Book | Author(s) | Publisher | Winners | Status |
January 8 |  | Electron in Action | Steve Kinney | Manning | Salvin francis , Paul Anilprem , Tony Esposito , charles ross | Sent in winners (1/20/19) |
January 15 | | Hands-On Software Engineering with Python | Brian Allbee | Packt | Paul Nisset, Carl Byrd, Scott Mac Donald, Campbell Ritchie | Sent in winners (1/20/19) (Carl Byrd received) |
January 22 | | Get Programming with Java (MEAP only) | Peggy Fisher | Manning | tangara goh, Manos Marketos, Fred Kleinschmidt, Daniel Andersson | Sent in winners (1/28/19) |
January 29 |  | Java in a Nutshell | Ben Evans & David Flanagan | O'Reilly | Will Myers , Vanessa Williamson, Dave Tolls , Cezar Apulchro | Winner reported received (3/1/19) |
February 12 |  | Java XML & JSON | Jeff Friesen | Apress | paul nisset, Carl Byrd, Jorge Ruiz-Aquino, ludoviko azuaje | Winner reported received (2/25/19) (Carl Byrd received) |
February 19 |  | Kotlin for Android App Development | Peter Sommerhoff | Addison-Wesley Professional | Sean Corfield, Dave MacLean, Terry Broman, paul nisset, Rania Bradbury | Winner reported received (4/9/19) |
February 26 |  | Head First Kotlin | Dawn & David Griffiths | O'Reilly | Will Myers, Celso Furtado, Al Hobbs, Ron McLeod | Winner reported received (3/29/19) (Ron McLeod) |
March 12 |  | Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Feature | Cay Horstmann | Prentice Hall | Stephan van Hulst, Zulfi Khan, paul nisset, Tim Holloway | Winner reported recieved (4/9/19) |
March 19 |  | Python Continuous Integration and Delivery | Moritz Lenz | Apressl | Rogerio Kioshi, Travis Risner, M Khalid, Carl Byrd | Winner reported received (10/9/19) (M Khalid Received) |
March 26 |  | Head First Go | Jay McGavren | O'Reilly | Ryan Jumawan, Timur Radzhabov, Rob Spoor, Will Myers | Winner reported received (4/5/19) (Rob Spoor) |
April 9 |  | Servless Programming Cookbook | Heartin Kanikathottu | Packt | Lanny Gilbert, Lucian Revnic, Liutauras Vilda, Billy Tsai | Sent in winners (5/8/19) |
April 16 |  | Production Ready Serverless (Video) | Yan Cui | Manning | Carl Byrd, Timur Radzhabov, Divya Shiv | Sent in winners (5/8/19) |
April 23 |  | Serverless Applications with Node.js | Slobodan Stojanovic & Aleksandar Simovic | Manning | sourabh girdhar, Tim Holloway, Noorul Hameed, saad el khlifi | Sent in winners (5/8/19) |
April 30 |  | Natural Language Processing in Action | Hobson Lane, Hannes Hapke & Cole Howard | Manning | paul nisset, Claude Moore, Carl Byrd, Christian Nicholson | Sent in winners (5/18/19) |
May 14 |  | Building Ethereum DApps | Roberto Infante | Manning | Michael Krimgen, Joe Cortee, paul nisset, ludoviko azuaje | Sent in winners (5/18/19) |
May 21 |  | Grokking Bitcoin | Kalle Rosenbaum | Manning | Himanshu Ahuja, Carl Byrd, Timothy Richards, Tim Moores | Winner reported received (6/19/19) (Tim Moores) |
May 28 |  | The Well-Grounded Rubyist | David A. Black & Joseph Leo III | Manning | Anna Baik, meenakshi sundar, Tony Esposito, Sam Maghett | Winners sent to publisher (6/18/19) Received 6/20/19 (Anna Baik), Received 6/27/19 (Tony Esposito) |
June 4 |  | Classic Computer Science Problems with Python | David Kopec | Manning | Tim Holloway, D.J. Quavern, Piet Souris, Tony Esposito | Sent in winners (7/17/19) |
June 4 |  | The Joy of JavaScript | Luis Atencio | Manning | Sunderam Goplalan, Carl Byrd , satya Priya Sundar, Timur Radzhabov | Sent in winners (7/17/19) |
June 11 |  | Programmers Guide to Apache Thrift | Randy Abernethy | Manning | Timur Radzhabov, Carl Byrd, Tim Moores, Randy Tong | Sent in winners (7/17/19) Received ebook 7/18/19 (Randy Tong, Tim Moores) |
June 25 |  | Java Database Connections & Transactions (e-book only) | Marco Behler | Self Published | Dinkar Chaturvedi, genos raman, Salil Wadnerkar, Ray Jender | Waiting on winners info |
July 9 |  | Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang | Bhagvan Kommadi | Packt | Rhul Kug, Devanshi Arora, Stephane Clinckart, Shikhar Vinesh Singh | Sent in winners info (9/4/19) |
July 30 |  | Reactive Spring | Josh Long | Lean Publishing | Baskar Krishna, Wirianto Djunaidi, Ravi Desai, Chintan Sanghavi | Sent in winners info (9/4/19) |
August 13 |  | Cloud Native Patterns | Cornelia Davis | Manning | Matthew Keller, paul nisset, Carl Byrd, Liutauras Vilda | Winner reported received 9/4/19 |
August 13 |  | Natural Language Processing | Hobson Lane, Hannes Hapke and Cole Howard | Manning | Carl Byrd, Terseer Anthony Shaguy | Sent in winners info (9/4/19) |
August 20 |  | Event Streams in Action | Alexander Dean & Valentin Crettaz | Manning | Babi Astimal Astimal, Stephan van Hulst, Raghunatha Reddy, Marco Schoolenberg | No winners replied |
August 27 |  | Phoenix in Action | Geoffrey Lessel | Manning | Timur Radzhabov, Milan Bhagwat, Carl Byrd, ludoviko azuaje | Winners sent in 9/22/19 |
September 3 |  | The Java Module System | Nicolai Parlog | Manning | Sai Hegde, Will Myers, satya Priya Sundar, Piotr Nowicki | Winners sent in 9/22/19 |
September 10 |  | OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Programmer I Exam Fundamentals 1Z0-815 (e-book) | Hanumant Deshmukh | Enthuware | Ranjith Kumar Kumar, Geff Chang, Adrian Grabowski, Elias Khan | Winners sent in 9/22/19 (Geff Chang received) |
October 1 |  | Graph Algorithms | Mark Needham & Amy Hodler | O'Reilly | D.J. Quavern , Gary W. Lucas , Awais Bajwa , Tim Holloway | Sent in winners 10/24/19 |
October 8 |  | Programming Quantum Computers: Essential Algorithms and Code Samples | Eric Johnston, Nic Harrigan & Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | O'Reilly | [M Mohil, , Mainak Biswas, Stephan van Hulst,Erron Austin | Sent in winners 10/24/19 |
October 15 |  | Reactive Streams in Java: Concurrency with RxJava, Reactor, and Akka Streams | Adam Davis | Apress | Rodrigo Lopes, Will Myers, paul nisset, Dinkar Chaturvedi | Sent in winners 10/24/19 |
October 22 |  | Machine Learning with R: Expert techniques for predictive modeling | Brett Lantz | Packt | Sudd Ghosh, paul nisset, Vaseem Mohammed | Winners sent 11/11/19) |
October 29 |  | Java 13 Revealed: For Early Adoption and Migration | Kishori Sharan | Apress | Salvin Francis, Serge Yurk , Campbell Ritchie , Robert Ingmarsson | Winners sent 11/11/19) |
November 5 |  | Pivotal Certified Professional Core Spring 5 Developer Exam: A Study Guide Using Spring Framework 5/ | Iuliana Cosmina | Apress | Charles O'Leary, Geff Chang, Saket Barve, Shaik Ashish | Winner reported received 1/7/2020) |
November 12 |  | Emmy in the Key of Code | Aimee Lucido | Versify | meenakshi sundar, Brian Burress, Shaik Ashish, Junilu Lacar | Winner reported received (9/27/20) |
November 19 |  | OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-815 | Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff | Sybex | Namith Kumar, Salil Wadnerkar, Aysenur Eroglu, Shaik Ashish | Winner reported receiving e-book (1/6/20) |
December 3 |  | Learn Java with Math | Ron Dai | Apress | Danielle Beard, Piet Souris, Junilu Lacar, Lokeshwar Tailor | Winners sent 1/21/20 |
December 17 |  | DevOps Paradox | Viktor Farcic | Packt | ludoviko azuaje, Carl Byrd, Junilu Lacar | Winners sent 1/21/20 |
December 17 |  | Pro Spring Security | Carlo Scarioni & Massimo Nardone | Apress | Claude Moore, Tim Holloway , Abhra Kar, ludoviko azuaje | Winner reported received 3/9/20 |
For questions about this page or to schedule a promotion, contact: bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com