T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l
April 2020 Edition
Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the April edition of the Journal
D e v e l o p e r . N e w s
CodeRanch's performance have been improved significantly over the past few weeks.
A big thanks to our Sheriff
Devaka Cooray for an enormous amount of investigations and the development he put in.
I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . T o p i c s
What Should I Build as a Beginner?Java app architecture directionsTest Driven DevelopmentJoin to code reviewShould getters return Optional?Representing the TriangleJava Doc comments
B o o k . P r o m o t i o n s . & . W i n n e r s
There's a book (or software) promotion just about every week at CodeRanch. Just ask a question in the appropriate forum and you're eligible to win a copy of the book.
We've got some promotions coming up. Check the
Book Promotions Schedule.
Some upcoming ones are:
May 5 - Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers by Ian DarwinMay 12 - Clean Agile by Robert C MartinMay 19 - Practical Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service by Deepak VohraMay 26 - Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing by Paul Azunre
Book promotions winners:
A big Congratulations to our Past Winners
To name the most recent book winners:
Learning Progressive Web Apps - Alec Swan, Timothy Gallagher, Celso Furtado, Jeremy FigginsRighting Software - Junilu Lacar, Timothy Gallagher, Joel Neely, Grey SmithBuilding Blockchain Apps - Paul Nisset, Carlos Alfonso Mendoza Arboleda, Rohit Gowda
B o o k . a n d . R e v i e w s
We have several forums dedicated to talk about books. Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our
Book Reviews forum.
Book Review Grid will give you an overview.
Editor's book choice for the month:
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce
T h e . M o o s e . o n . S o c i a l
The CodeRanch announces latest news/developments frequently on our social media outlets. You can find us at:
Follow / Like us so you don't miss a thing.
T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r
Liutauras Vilda
S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our
Ranch Office.
J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
Our previously published journals you can find