T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l
November 2022 Edition
Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the November edition of the Journal.
C o d e R a n c h . S t a f f . G o e s . O u t
No, not to a local pub for a glass of mulled wine, but to do some puzzle solving during Advent of Code -
And yes, like in previous years, we are planning to share our solutions at CodeRanch -
Eventually you'd see if we actually touched that mulled wine, when all of a sudden those elegant solutions would get thrown out and we'd go quick n' dirty.
W e . A r e . N o w . O n . M a s t o d o n
A message from Jeanne:
We've been on Twitter for many years and now have an account on Mastodon:
To date, Twitter has been just the promos. We hope to do better and post more on Mastodon.
Java community has been active in building community on Mastodon.
There's even a website listing Twitter/Mastodon/GitHub handles -
You can import the csv to Mastodon to jump start Java community.
Fore more details:
A . R i c h . H i s t o r y . o f . R a n c h . J F o r u m
We are emerging into the time of the year when various thoughts kick in.
I feel it is the right time to go back in time and learn, how we ended up here!
You know that CodeRanch is running on a heavily modified JForum software version for over a decade now, right...
But do you know how all this started?
Won't say anything else, have a fun read! Some of the threads / pages you may want to start with:
I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . T o p i c s
A better way to design TicTacToe And like in all software design related topics, our moderator Junilu Lacar "A better way..." assimilates with a "Test driven way...".
This might be the first time we see a Hat-Check Problem at CodeRanch Those that are familiar with numbers are all in!
Another rare, but very interesting discussion about the Code coverage Wondering how code coverage can be observed? If you never come across, check SonarCloud. The tool I personally love a lot!
B o o k . P r o m o t i o n s . & . W i n n e r s
There's a book (or software) promotion just about every week at CodeRanch. Just ask a question in the appropriate forum and you're eligible to win a copy of the book.
We've got some promotions coming up. Check the
Book Promotions Schedule.
Some upcoming ones are:
November 29 - Data Structures the Fun Way: An Amusing Adventure with Coffee-Filled Examples by Jeremy KubicaOctober 11 - Testing Web APIs by Mark Winteringham
Recent promotions winners:
The Well-Grounded Java Developer - Gary W. Lucas, satya Priya Sundar, Liutauras Vilda, T H Lim
Book Promotions Winners.
B o o k s . a n d . R e v i e w s
We have several forums dedicated to talk about books. Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our
Book Reviews forum.
Book Review Grid will give you an overview.
Editor's book choice for the month:
Chaos Engineering: Site reliability through controlled disruption by Mikolaj Pawlikowski
C o d e R a n c h . S t a f f
Thanks to all staff that volunteer their time and share their knowledge to make this site the friendliest place on the web to learn.
A special thanks this month to the following members...
Marshals: Campbell Ritchie :: Liutauras Vilda :: Tim Cooke :: Jeanne Boyarsky :: Paul ClaphamSheriffs: Devaka Cooray :: Ron McLeod :: paul wheatonSaloon Keepers: Tim Moores :: Piet Souris :: Tim Holloway :: Stephan van Hulst :: Carey BrownBartenders: Al Hobbs :: Frits Walraven :: Scott Selikoff
C o d e R a n c h . N e i g h b o r s
Richsoil -
Permaculture articles n stuff by
Paul Wheaton
Permies - Permaculture and homesteading goofballs
T h e . M o o s e . o n . S o c i a l
The CodeRanch announces latest news/developments frequently on our social media outlets. You can find us at:
Follow / Like us so you don't miss a thing.
T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r
Liutauras Vilda - a sheriff, who's wandering around here for almost 10 years now, well, not yet, in the next 2 years or so. But it doesn't hurt to give you a hint what's coming.
S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our
Ranch Office.
J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
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